Security Message

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Re: Security Message

Unread post by JoeyG » 2024-11-08, 23:00

Norton recently "unilaterally" updated its program (i.e. with no input from me) and looks completely different - it's now apparently run by them online somehow rather than on my machine - a process of which I'm which I'm more than a bit skeptical.

One problem is that I have a license that still runs for more than a year, but I'll observe it for awhile. If I continue not to like it, I'll simply uninstall it and buy another AV program.

Thanks for the feedback so far.
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by JoeyG » 2024-11-08, 23:03

I've looked through the settings, but I haven't been able to find that one yet. :(
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by athenian200 » 2024-11-09, 01:46

Good job figuring out it was the AV, guys. I never would have suspected that in a million years.
Pentium4User wrote:
2024-11-08, 19:59
I assume your AV is doing a MITM attack.
If you want that, you need to import the AVs root cert into your Epyrus.
It sounds like Norton isn't cooperating with Joey's attempts to exclude Epyrus from the protection.

This solution might be more workable after all, since it can be done on our end, and it's difficult to control what Norton does.

How would he need to go about importing the AV's root cert into Epyrus, if he wants to try that?
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by JoeyG » 2024-11-10, 16:22

My less-than-satisfactory (imho) solution was to ditch Norton and replace it with Bitdefender, which I found was universally praised on the web.

However, I see now that my research was inadequate because, ex post facto, I discovered that Bitdefender sees itself as an all-in-one solution, and thus 'commands' you to get rid of whatever other AV programs you have - in my case, a Malwarebytes premium lifetime subscription.

So far, this is a bit too much, with the result that I'm running both.

It appears that dumping Norton solved my error-message issue (I ain't seen hide or hair of it since), but I'm a tad unsure as to the actual stand of my AV situation.

Since the essence of the issue appears to lie with Epyrus, it would be nice if there were a solution there.

Having said this, I'm more than a bit perplexed as to why it arose after a couple years of using my Epyrus-Norton-Malwarebytes configuration. The only thing I can point to is the rather comprehensive update that Norton recently undertook and I which still can't quite get my head around.

My update to Epyrus 2.1.3 took place on the date of release, far before the Norton update, and it had worked flawlessly until the latter.

Hmmmmm, .....
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-11-10, 18:11

JoeyG wrote:
2024-11-10, 16:22
Since the essence of the issue appears to lie with Epyrus, it would be nice if there were a solution there.
The essence of the issue is, as you have already noticed in your own reply, Norton. After all, everything worked until Norton decided to toss out a working setup for their comprehensive upgrade to their latest {expletive removed}.
They did a "comprehensive update" which most likely involved a new "fake certificate" for their "Mail Shield" which was not installed in Epyrus by Norton, leading to the errors when it intercepts and decrypts/babysits your mail connections, piping everything through Norton.
i.o.w. there's nothing wrong with Epyrus.
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by JoeyG » 2024-11-10, 19:07

Moonchild wrote:
2024-11-10, 18:11
i.o.w. there's nothing wrong with Epyrus.
As I wrote, I've been with Epyrus since the beginning. Furthermore, just to be clear, I have no intention of switching.

My point was that the Epyrus dev seemed to indicate, at least the way I read his post, that he might be able to come up with a solution.

I wouldn't even waste my time contacting Norton.
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by Pentium4User » 2024-11-10, 19:48

Norton is the problem here - at least it is part of.
Technically, it does a man in the middle attack to your connection and therefore replaces the cert from the server with its own.
This is something that can be used by attackers in the internet and that is the reason you get the warning.

You can import the root cert from Norton. ... 9163618994
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by JoeyG » 2024-11-10, 20:47

Windows says the certificate is already installed. :cry:

Whatever. As I wrote, I've already replaced Norton with Bitdefender. I haven't seen the error message since, so I guess I'm happy.
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by RealityRipple » 2024-11-10, 21:09

UXP applications have their own certificate stores, unrelated to Windows' or each others'.

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Re: Security Message

Unread post by JoeyG » 2024-11-10, 21:47

RealityRipple wrote:
2024-11-10, 21:09
UXP applications have their own certificate stores, unrelated to Windows' or each others'.
'scuse me, but I don't understand the relevance. :roll:
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by athenian200 » 2024-11-10, 22:43

Pentium4User wrote:
2024-11-10, 19:48
Norton is the problem here - at least it is part of.
Technically, it does a man in the middle attack to your connection and therefore replaces the cert from the server with its own.
This is something that can be used by attackers in the internet and that is the reason you get the warning.

You can import the root cert from Norton. ... 9163618994
Right, but how do you import that into Epyrus? Their instructions only say how to import it into the Windows certificate store.

I mean, it's good to know it can be done, but the question is what's the next step after you have the certificate?
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-11-10, 22:53

Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Tab "Certificates" -> button "Manage Certificates"
This opens the Certificate Manager. Here, you can import the certificate. I think it has to go into the "Authorites" tab. Select the tab and click the "Import..." button
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by JoeyG » 2024-11-10, 23:17

Thanks for the feedback, but through the replacement of Norton with Bitdefender, for me, this case is closed.
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by Bilbo47 » 2024-11-11, 15:47

JoeyG wrote:
2024-11-10, 23:17
case is closed.
Oh good. For the record, as of reading only halfway through the thread, I had already decided to post "Norton [strike]sucks[/strike] is highly dis-recommended".

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Re: Security Message

Unread post by ag0044 » 2024-11-11, 22:13

I've had to go away and so haven't been able to settle down to resolve my problem.

From the look of it, installing a different AV may be an answer, so I'll try that when I get home. I'll report back here when I've done that, and whether or not those mildly annoying error messages still happen.
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by ag0044 » 2024-11-15, 02:47

I tried a different AV and that seemed to work in clearing up certificate messages.

Unfortunately, I then did something foolish and stupid which bombed my Windows installation, and needed a wipe and full re-install. So I can't make comment on whether it - a different AV - works long-term.
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Re: Security Message

Unread post by RuudNL » 2024-11-15, 12:19

Bilbo47 wrote:
2024-11-11, 15:47
JoeyG wrote:
2024-11-10, 23:17
case is closed.
Oh good. For the record, as of reading only halfway through the thread, I had already decided to post "Norton [strike]sucks[/strike] is highly dis-recommended".
Norton stopped being useful after Symantec bought it. It just went downhill from there...

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Re: Security Message

Unread post by SlySven » 2024-12-04, 20:21

You will also get the same issues with AVG/Avast AVs they too install their own generated certificate so they can do a MITM read/snoop on your emails - but because of that you cannot easily see the details of the original certificates that were being presented to the AV program as you just see the (not exactly fake) one that the AV switches to for the link between it and Epyrus.

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Re: Security Message

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-12-04, 20:41

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