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Unread post by Jasantes » 2024-10-16, 15:49

This is an interesting page, but it breaks in Basilisk/Pale Moon:
Is there any solution?

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Re: Rendering

Unread post by vannilla » 2024-10-16, 16:04

Woah, is this site poorly written!
It breaks because the text is actually the alt-text of an img element without a source (the src attribute) and what's more each image is declared as display: inline-block , which breaks the alignment. It seems the actual image, whatever it is supposed to be, was meant to be given through CSS using content: url(...), but it doesn't work because the data: URI is broken.
You should get in touch with the people running this site and ask them to place the encoded SVG inside the src attribute, since they are already able to tell which cell gets which image as they provide the good and na classes.

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Re: Rendering

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-10-16, 16:07

Maybe also ask them to add Pale Moon to the lineup while they're at it ;)
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Re: Rendering

Unread post by vannilla » 2024-10-16, 18:31

Moonchild wrote:
2024-10-16, 16:07
Maybe also ask them to add Pale Moon to the lineup while they're at it ;)
The project seems to use "headless mode" to run their tests, so they'll most definitely refuse because Pale Moon doesn't have it.

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Re: Rendering

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-10-16, 19:20

Oh yes because doing actual work is so ridiculous.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past; wisdom is of the future." -- Native American proverb
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Re: Rendering

Unread post by Jasantes » 2024-10-16, 22:34

Moonchild wrote:
2024-10-16, 16:07
Maybe also ask them to add Pale Moon to the lineup while they're at it ;)
I already asked him.

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Re: Rendering

Unread post by adoxa » 2024-10-17, 06:54

Here's a Modify HTTP Response filter to replace the alt text with characters.

Code: Select all


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Re: Rendering

Unread post by Jasantes » 2024-10-20, 21:31

Perfect... you are a genious!!! :thumbup: :clap:

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Re: Rendering

Unread post by noellarkin » 2024-11-25, 17:43

@adoxa your HTTP replacements deserve to have their own repository, thanks a ton!

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