Bookmarks: collapse/expand improvement suggestions

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Bookmarks: collapse/expand improvement suggestions

Unread post by back2themoon » 2024-09-14, 16:02

1. When adding/editing a Bookmark (Ctrl+D), "Folder" and "Tags" are always collapsed. Suggested improvements:

a) either remember their previous expanded/collapsed status
b) or create options to set defaults for each (always expanded/collapsed for Folder/Tags separately)

2. This is strangely sort of the reverse problem. When navigating Bookmarks (both in Sidebar and Library) expanded/collapsed status is always remembered. This can lead to confusion and time-waste with a large number of expanded Bookmarks. I don't see a way to quickly collapse all.

The same occurs when adding/editing a Bookmark (Ctrl+D) and selecting "Choose...". Previously expanded folders are always remembered, making things more difficult and confusing.

Suggestion to add these options:
a) remember previous status (current behaviour)
b) always collapse all Bookmarks, everywhere (Sidebar, Library, Add/Edit Bookmark "Choose..." prompt) every time these are opened.

IMO these aren't esoteric requests, and I'm sure users with large collections of Bookmarks will benefit. Sorry, if some of the above can be done already somehow.

Of all the above suggestions, JustOff's Add Bookmark Helper extension will only "Expand all fields in Bookmark Dialog". "Folder" and "Tags" that is, I believe.

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Re: Bookmarks: collapse/expand improvement suggestions

Unread post by Bilbo47 » 2024-09-29, 17:22


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Re: Bookmarks: collapse/expand improvement suggestions

Unread post by jars_ » 2024-09-29, 19:32

I use CustomButtons code for this:

Code: Select all

// -------- Звездочка - раскрывать дерево папок (от 28.03.2016) ----------------
 (function() {
  addEventListener('popupshowing', (e, el => {
    if (el !== StarUI.panel) return;
       setTimeout(()=> gEditItemOverlay.toggleFolderTreeVisibility(), 100);
       el.addEventListener('popuphidden', function c() { el.removeEventListener('popuphidden', c) });

// switch to english keyb for nav by pres first letter folder
  function layoutEN() {
    Cu. import ("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm");
    lib ="user32.dll");
     ActivateKeyboardLayout = lib.declare("ActivateKeyboardLayout", ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.voidptr_t, ctypes.voidptr_t, ctypes.uint32_t);
       KLF_SETFORPROCESS = 0x00000100; HKL_ENGLISH = ctypes.voidptr_t(0x00000409); // United States (US)
     ActivateKeyboardLayout(HKL_ENGLISH, KLF_SETFORPROCESS); lib.close();

.. but the bad thing is that the last used folder is not remembered and folder tree is not focused, as JustOff's Add Bookmark Helper extension does.

ps The invented format-method of bookmarks from Mozilla is based on tags, but not the usual folder_hierarchy - stupidity!

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Re: Bookmarks: collapse/expand improvement suggestions

Unread post by back2themoon » 2024-10-06, 07:47

I kind of forgot that Web compatibility is the constant, major, pressing issue and there really isn't time and resources for secondary features like these. Perfectly understandable.

Just out of curiosity: are these little quirks deeply buried in old Mozilla code and would cause headaches even to a seasoned programmer with lots of spare time, attempting to improve on them?

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Re: Bookmarks: collapse/expand improvement suggestions

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-10-06, 08:48

back2themoon wrote:
2024-10-06, 07:47
are these little quirks deeply buried in old Mozilla code and would cause headaches even to a seasoned programmer with lots of spare time, attempting to improve on them?
No. As far as difficulty goes, working on UI/front-end stuff is considerably easier than core guts. Also, it requires a different approach because it's effectively XUL and JavaScript, not C++ ;-)
I'm guessing that would make it easier as well? I mean, if you're already familiar with web programming then doing this would come fairly natural.
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