Cloudflare captchas failing currently

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Cloudflare captchas failing currently

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-03-13, 16:39

As some of you may have already noticed, there is currently an issue with Cloudflare "challenges" i.e., captchas, failing and refusing to give users of Pale Moon access to sites with high security settings in CloudFlare. This is an issue with CloudFlare having updated their captcha recently and as a result they are now gatekeeping the internet for all of our users by having their scripting failing somewhere and refusing to let Pale Moon users pass.
Unfortunately CloudFlare is widely used on many different websites and as a result is impacting our entire user base in many respects, ranging from logins (even on their own dashboard) to partner sites to even basic websites without any highly sensitive information that would need shielding, but of whom the webmasters have chosen CloudFlare to increase their hosting security.

I have contacted CloudFlare immediately when this issue started and I was made aware of it (last Monday) and an urgent priority ticket was opened after a chat with a tech support rep. This ticket was not treated with urgency by CloudFlare, and in fact it was ghost-closed (i.e. silently and suppressing the notification e-mails normally associated with it) with a form reply that did not even address the issue I was indicating. I re-opened it but has still not been handled with the necessary priority which is why I am making this announcement here to inform more users of what to expect and where the issue lies.
In addition to my own efforts as project owner, our users have also opened a community issue thread at CloudFlare which has gone unanswered thus far.

Of note, this isn't the first time something like this happened (it's been a kind-of annual thing twice before) and this gatekeeping by CloudFlare of the internet needs to stop. This is literally killing usability of our browser with no fault of our own.

I'm hoping the right people pay attention now so this can get solved. I'm afraid this may escalate into something ugly, and I hope to avoid that.

In the meantime, unfortunately, the only workaround is to use one of the mainstream browsers or a chrome clone.
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Re: Cloudflare captchas failing currently

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-03-16, 10:16

As an update: CloudFlare has corrected their mistake and their captchas should work again.
They have also added an old version of Firefox to their test suite now, which might help for prevention of future breakage, although they are still of the conviction that Goanna/UXP is equal to an old and unmaintained version of Firefox apparently by doing that.

Another attempt has been made to explain they can't act as gatekeepers of the Internet this way, and that Pale Moon/Goanna is modern, maintained, and not "based on an old version of Firefox". It boggles the mind how even supposed technology giants don't understand the simple concept of a fork... :crazy:
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Cloudflare captchas failing currently

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-03-23, 17:51

And a week later we're back at it again. I still have an open ticket with them and there's more community posts, but obviously no priority being given to what is literally denial of service in the most literal sense for our users. Clearly they are not in a hurry stopping their practice of pushing out captcha changes that literally gatekeeps the Internet for us and everyone else on UXP.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
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