1. Navigate to website https://currently.att.yahoo.com/
2. Select Mail in the upper left corner of screen.
3. Enter your User ID, which is your email address, and Password and press the Sign in button.
4. The following screen will prompt you to send a code to your cell phone to confirm your identity (two factor authentication). Press the Send code button.
5. The next screen prompts you to Enter (the) code. I enter the six digit code and attempt to press the Submit button. I noticed the Submit button is grayed out until the six digit code is entered. Unfortunately, the Submit button cannot be pressed successfully. I can successfully press the Cancel button which asks "Are you sure you want to cancel? You'll have to sign in again and start over." The two options are Yes and No with Yes selected as the default.
Below I have copied all the text from the Web Console and Error Console. Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Until I can resolve this issue, I will have to access my AT&T email from a chrome browser. I would be interested to know if other AT&T email users are having similar issues.
Web Console
Code: Select all
detmScriptLoader - Governance prescribed Legacy mode is retired for this page.
Adobe Solutions: governance does not allow delayed load od detm components
detmScriptLoader - prod version: 2561
detm scripts were loaded asynchronously because the application has overridden the default setting
detmScriptLoader - Governance prescribed Legacy mode is retired for this page.
detmScriptLoader - load delayed for (Adobe DTM) trigger: loadAnalytics
detmScriptLoader - loading (and initializing): quantum-att.js start: 14:25:24.24 stop: 14:25:24.86 elapsed: 62ms
Adobe solutions: error - could not load script quantum-att.js
detmScriptLoader - loading (and initializing): ssaf-uc.js start: 14:25:24.86 stop: 14:25:24.108 elapsed: 22ms
loadFile: error - could not load DFA script
DFA Success response data error { target: <script>, isTrusted: true, srcElement: <script>, eventPhase: 0, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, defaultPrevented: false, composed: false, timeStamp: 790, cancelBubble: false, originalTarget: <script> }
httpclient: 14:25:27.138: Warning -> SSAF UC MISSING IDSE_STACK MISSING
httpclient: 14:25:27.142: Warning -> SSAF UC MISSING IDSE_STACK MISSING
HALOReportingBridge creating bridge.
Halo.C Bridge script loading is successfull!
js_gb_adc :: no configuration found for this page, so footer ads not activated.../dynamic/iamLRR/LrrController
js_gb_adc :: att monetization master config loading failed... ReferenceError: index is not defined
Stack trace:
XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line Number 1, Column 1:
httpclient: 14:25:27.572: Warning -> post was successful but did not return anything
XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line Number 1, Column 1:
httpclient: 14:25:27.684: Warning -> post was successful but did not return anything
ReferenceError: event is not defined[Learn More]
httpclient: 14:25:33.760: Warning -> SSAF UC MISSING IDSE_STACK MISSING
XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line Number 1, Column 1:
httpclient: 14:25:33.864: Warning -> post was successful but did not return anything
ReferenceError: event is not defined[Learn More]
httpclient: 14:25:35.346: Warning -> SSAF UC MISSING IDSE_STACK MISSING
XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line Number 1, Column 1:
httpclient: 14:25:35.454: Warning -> post was successful but did not return anything
Code: Select all
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:14:16 PM
Error: DEPRECATION WARNING: This path to Console.jsm is deprecated. Please use Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm") to load this module.
You may find more details about this deprecation at: https://bugzil.la/912121
resource://gre/modules/devtools/Console.jsm 19 null
chrome://downloads_window/content/modules/watchwindows.jsm 47 null
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///C:/Users/Peter_S/AppData/Roaming/Moonchild%20Productions/Pale%20Moon/Profiles/0qxjtpdk.default/extensions/%7Ba7213cf2-fa1e-4373-88ff-255d0abd3020%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js 144 startup
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 4402 XPI_callBootstrapMethod
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 2127 XPI_startup
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 193 callProvider
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 725 _startProvider
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 861 startup
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 2433 startup
jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Pale%20Moon/palemoon.res!/components/addonManager.js 58 observe
Source File: resource://gre/modules/Deprecated.jsm
Line: 85
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:18:48 PM
Warning: Key event not available on some keyboard layouts: key=“i” modifiers=“accel,alt,shift” id=“key_browserToolbox”
Source File: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
Line: 0
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:21:47 PM
Warning: Content Security Policy: Ignoring ‘x-frame-options’ because of ‘frame-ancestors’ directive.
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:21:54 PM
Warning: A form was submitted in the windows-1252 encoding which cannot encode all Unicode characters, so user input may get corrupted. To avoid this problem, the page should be changed so that the form is submitted in the UTF-8 encoding either by changing the encoding of the page itself to UTF-8 or by specifying accept-charset=utf-8 on the form element.
Source File: https://signin-static-js.att.com/scripts/att_common.js
Line: 1
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:21:59 PM
Warning: A form was submitted in the windows-1252 encoding which cannot encode all Unicode characters, so user input may get corrupted. To avoid this problem, the page should be changed so that the form is submitted in the UTF-8 encoding either by changing the encoding of the page itself to UTF-8 or by specifying accept-charset=utf-8 on the form element.
Source File: https://signin.att.com/static/siam/en/otp/static/scripts/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js
Line: 2
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:24:56 PM
Warning: Content Security Policy: Ignoring ‘x-frame-options’ because of ‘frame-ancestors’ directive.
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:25:20 PM
Warning: A form was submitted in the windows-1252 encoding which cannot encode all Unicode characters, so user input may get corrupted. To avoid this problem, the page should be changed so that the form is submitted in the UTF-8 encoding either by changing the encoding of the page itself to UTF-8 or by specifying accept-charset=utf-8 on the form element.
Source File: https://signin-static-js.att.com/scripts/att_common.js
Line: 1
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:25:23 PM
Warning: A form was submitted in the windows-1252 encoding which cannot encode all Unicode characters, so user input may get corrupted. To avoid this problem, the page should be changed so that the form is submitted in the UTF-8 encoding either by changing the encoding of the page itself to UTF-8 or by specifying accept-charset=utf-8 on the form element.
Source File: https://signin.att.com/static/siam/en/otp/static/scripts/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js
Line: 2
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:25:27 PM
Error: XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line Number 1, Column 1:
Source File: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line: 1
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:25:27 PM
Error: XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line Number 1, Column 1:
Source File: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line: 1
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:25:33 PM
Error: ReferenceError: event is not defined
Source File: https://signin.att.com/static/siam/en/otp/static/scripts/enter_code.js?v=17.2.1
Line: 181
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:25:33 PM
Error: XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line Number 1, Column 1:
Source File: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line: 1
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:25:35 PM
Error: ReferenceError: event is not defined
Source File: https://signin.att.com/static/siam/en/otp/static/scripts/enter_code.js?v=17.2.1
Line: 181
Timestamp: 3/24/2023 2:25:35 PM
Error: XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line Number 1, Column 1:
Source File: https://www.att.com/ssaf/ssafc/v1/controllerdata
Line: 1