UXP simple app

Discussions about applications built on our platform code that do not have a dedicated board.

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UXP simple app

Unread post by bmelo » 2023-02-23, 01:41

I'd like to create a Safari/Epiphany based on UXP. I want to compare how much memory (RAM and storage) a UXP browser needs if it only have a minimal GUI. Should I use GTK only or can we use something else for UXP app?

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Re: UXP simple app

Unread post by therube » 2023-02-23, 15:50

I'll just note that I use an ancient version of Firefox, 3.0, yes 3 point 0, as a backend for ChatZilla on XULRunner, & that uses 50 MB or RAM.

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Re: UXP simple app

Unread post by frostknight » 2023-03-12, 22:14

bmelo wrote:
2023-02-23, 01:41
I'd like to create a Safari/Epiphany based on UXP. I want to compare how much memory (RAM and storage) a UXP browser needs if it only have a minimal GUI. Should I use GTK only or can we use something else for UXP app?
That depends... would fltk work?


Just in case you are still curious what I mean

2nd and final edit:


The 2nd one is way more updated... just a heads up!
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Re: UXP simple app

Unread post by Basilisk-Dev » 2023-03-15, 16:08

bmelo wrote:
2023-02-23, 01:41
I'd like to create a Safari/Epiphany based on UXP. I want to compare how much memory (RAM and storage) a UXP browser needs if it only have a minimal GUI. Should I use GTK only or can we use something else for UXP app?
If you are using Linux/BSD/Solaris then yes, you have to use GTK. You can compile with GTK2 or GTK3. GTK2 should have lesser ram usage than GTK3.
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Re: UXP simple app

Unread post by andyprough » 2023-03-15, 19:25

Basilisk-Dev wrote:
2023-03-15, 16:08
GTK2 should have lesser ram usage than GTK3.
In theory. In practice, however, I haven't noticed more than about a 5mb ram difference. Of course, if you don't need any gtk3 programs your system can run lighter, like with Hyperbola GNU/Linux (soon to be Hyperbola GNU/BSD).
