Bangla language not suported.

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Bangla language not suported.

Unread post by kuntalqq » 2017-04-07, 19:56

Bangla (বাংলা) languse not supporting. Its showing broken. In other browser its ok but in this browser its showing broken. :!: :?:

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Re: Bangla language not suported.

Unread post by Nigaikaze » 2017-04-08, 16:20

kuntalqq wrote:Bangla (বাংলা) languse not supporting. Its showing broken. In other browser its ok but in this browser its showing broken.
We would need someone to step up to create and maintain a language pack for that language. Information on doing so can be found in this post:

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Re: Bangla language not suported.

Unread post by eskaton » 2017-04-08, 17:04

OP posted about this in IRC the other day; this post is lacking some information, but he's not referring to a language pack. There is a website with Bangla fonts that aren't displaying in PM for him. When I loaded the page in PM, they showed up fine. I don't remember the URL he gave, and I'm on a different machine so I can't look it up.

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Re: Bangla language not suported.

Unread post by Moonchild » 2017-04-08, 20:04

OP also sent me an e-mail with the same content. I guess one channel wasn't enough.

My reply:

Our language support completely depends on having one or more volunteer
translators per language to make them available. Unfortunately we do not
have anyone that can translate to your language at this time.
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