Sync service extended downtime

Anything to do with the Pale Moon Sync service.
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Pale Moon guru
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Sync service extended downtime

Unread post by Moonchild » 2022-12-16, 22:28

Sorry for the lack of prior notice but the sync service has been taken off-line for extended downtime over the weekend.
I'll be moving the service to a different server.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
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Pale Moon guru
Pale Moon guru
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Re: Sync service extended downtime

Unread post by Moonchild » 2022-12-17, 19:38

Service move has been completed.
You will have to re-synchronise with the server from all linked devices, so first sync may be slow or show incomplete data until everything has been resynchronised.
Note: DNS updates may take up to 48 hours to complete, depending on your local caching.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past; wisdom is of the future." -- Native American proverb
"Linux makes everything difficult." -- Lyceus Anubite
