Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1 Topic is solved

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Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1

Unread post by Zinkum » 2018-10-27, 22:05

Good evening,

It happened that I needed to install the latest Oracle Java 8 alongside with OpenJDK 7, so I did.
After that Palemoon fails on start:

Code: Select all

~$ palemoon
palemoon: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/amd64/ undefined symbol: _ZSt7getlineIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES7_RNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIS4_S5_T1_EES4_
It happens even though I set Java 7 as default:

Code: Select all

~$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_181"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.14) (7u181-2.6.14-0ubuntu0.2)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.181-b01, mixed mode)
What might be the problem and is there any way to fix it?

Xubuntu 14.04, 64bit, Palemoon 28.1 64bit.

Thank you.

Note: adding some tags here for searching: java crash crashed libnpjp2 plugin Java-8 symbol lookup error
Last edited by Moonchild on 2018-10-29, 13:06, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1

Unread post by vannilla » 2018-10-28, 10:51

Make sure the browser uses the Java 7 plugin, rather than Java 8.
Check about:addons or the like.
The problem appears to be that Pale Moon needs the getline function, but doesn't find it (at least with the needed signature).


Re: Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1

Unread post by Zinkum » 2018-10-28, 16:37

vannilla wrote:Check about:addons or the like.
Thank you for your reply.
Do you know if there is a way to edit addons/plugins settings via editing any config file or something? As I said, when Oracle Java is present in the system, Palemoon simply does not start, even if OpenJDK7 is set as default system-wide (I assume the command output in my first post is intended to show that).
Moreover, I have IcedTea plugin permanently disabled in Palemoon settings.
Thank you.
Last edited by Zinkum on 2018-10-28, 16:41, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1

Unread post by yami_ » 2018-10-28, 16:56

You could try to remove the plugin from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/.

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Re: Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1

Unread post by vannilla » 2018-10-28, 17:29

The plug-in, for all we know, might look at hard-coded paths, so even if the system-wide JRE is 7, the plugin will still look for 8.
Unfortunately I don't know how to fix the problem.
If there's nothing else, as suggested by yami_, delete the Java 8 plugin entirely. That way Pale Moon will pick up the other one.


Re: Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1

Unread post by Zinkum » 2018-10-29, 02:00

Hi guys,

Looks like removing the plugin worked. Thanks a lot!

Just in case anyone faces the same problem I'll list the steps I took to solve the problem (though I do not think the sequence is 100% important):
1. Installed Oracle Java 8 from webupd8team ppa.
2. It automatically installed oracle-java8-set-default package (for Ubuntu), which I immediately removed.
3. Installed openjdk-jre7 and default-jre packages (with 2 deps) from the official repos.
4. At this point it looked like that Oracle Java 8 was set as default system-wide.
5. sudo update-alternatives --config java and follow the instructions to set openjdk-jre7 as default.
6. java -version to check that openjdk-jre7 is indeed set as default.
7. At this point Palemoon still does not start.
8. Delete (or better move somewhere) java plugin from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
9. Palemoon starts and works fine, however some other programs (like ImageJ in my case) still use Oracle Java 8 as default option (but they work OK; maybe deleting corresponding configs will do the same trick, but I am satisfied with what I have).

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Re: Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1

Unread post by dinosaur » 2018-10-29, 09:24

Java 8 is working just fine for me with Pale Moon, under PCLinuxOS: the missing symbol you get is from the C++ library. Apparently, the libstdc++ version on your Xubuntu 14.04 distro is too old, and Java 8 was compiled with a newer version.

Simply install a newer libstdc++ (/usr/lib64/ on your system (you can grab one from a newer Ubuntu distro), and Java 8 will work.
Last edited by dinosaur on 2018-10-29, 09:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oracle JRE crashes Palemoon 28.1

Unread post by stevenpusser » 2018-10-30, 21:14

There is a PPA with newer gcc versions for Ubuntu 14.04--I have to add it to build Pale Moon deb packages with gcc-5, since 14.04's gcc-4.8 is too old. ... buntu/test
