Shutting down FossaMail

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Pale Moon guru
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Shutting down FossaMail

Unread post by Moonchild » 2017-04-10, 14:22

Since nobody has indicated any interest at all in taking over the task of building and maintaining FossaMail, and its user base is (very) small, I'll be shutting FossaMail down.

Although security issues are less frequent for the mail client because there is no scripting possible in e-mails, they are not nonexistent and as time goes on, it's inevitable that the client will become vulnerable. The client will still continue to serve the people who already have it for a while yet, but everyone currently using FossaMail should consider finding an alternative mail/chat/news client to keep them from increasing security/privacy risks.

I'll be bidding the fossa a fond farewell at this point. Thanks to everyone who has provided support to this Thunderbird offshoot!
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Pale Moon guru
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Re: Shutting down FossaMail

Unread post by Moonchild » 2017-04-20, 09:14

Just to let people know, as a response to this announcement, a few people have contacted me, but none of them would take over the project without more than a charity incentive. Not unsurprising, of course - FossaMail has been run as a side project to Pale Moon, and having the advantage of having the necessary infra in place for it already.

Perhaps next year, when the XUL platform is stable enough, a new, similar effort can be made to make a XUL-based mail client; hell, maybe even by the Thunderbird team -- FossaMail, however, will likely not be revived since it was mainly an offshoot published at a time when people wanted to move away from Mozilla software out of principle.

Please do not ask for any further takeover of the project from this point forward; things have been set in motion to close it all down, and the takeover offer at this point is closed. Thank you for your interest.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past; wisdom is of the future." -- Native American proverb
"Linux makes everything difficult." -- Lyceus Anubite
