Additional Epyrus Addons

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Additional Epyrus Addons

Unread post by geraldh » 2025-01-12, 11:40

I have been using a couple of old Thunderbird add-ons, that aren't listed on the Epyrus add-ons site, that seem to work well and are quite useful, so I thought I'd mention them in case they are useful for others. I'm pretty sure that these work on the default gtk-3 version as well as my gtk-2 version.

CompactHeader 2.1.3 allows the display of more compact headers on emails ... sion-2.1.3

Import Export tools 3.3.2 allows me to back up and restore my email profile and I have also used it to transfer profiles from Interlink to Epyrus. ... sion-3.3.2

People may have found other useful add-ons that work with Epyrus?

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Re: Additional Epyrus Addons

Unread post by ltcomdata » 2025-01-18, 22:22


Two that I have found useful are:
  • Calendar Tweaks 7.1. It can change the colors of Today and Selected Day. I use it exclusively to change the color of my events to match their Category instead of the calendar color. The "Full Day" area is misaligned with the rest of the day when the calendar is opened for the first time, but as soon as the day (or the week, or the month, depending on the view) is switched, the calendar aligns as it should.
  • CardBook 38.0. It implements the vCard standard for contacts in Epyrus.

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Re: Additional Epyrus Addons

Unread post by LeeBinder » 2025-01-28, 23:26

Intel MacBook Pro 2019 with macOS Monterey and Sequoia

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