Trouble creating account

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Trouble creating account

Unread post by ltcomdata » 2025-01-13, 13:35

I am trying to create my first account on a fresh installation of Epyrus.
(It is a Yahoo account, if it matters).

I enter my name, email address, and the App Password generated by Yahoo.
Then I click on Continue.
After that, I get the message "Configuration found on Epyrus installation".
And I get the option of IMAP and POP3, followed by some configuration of incoming and outgoing servers.

THEN I only get two option buttons: "Advanced config" and "Cancel".
No "Continue", or "OK", of "Connect", or "Save".

So, how do I create a new account?


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Re: Trouble creating account

Unread post by moonbat » 2025-01-13, 14:04

You search online for Yahoo mail's IMAP settings (servers, ports etc) and enter them in the relevant fields on Epyrus's 'new account' dialog. Preferably look for links to Yahoo's own support/help pages.
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Re: Trouble creating account

Unread post by ltcomdata » 2025-01-13, 21:50

Epyrus pre-filled all the IMAP configuration for me.
My problem is that I have no way of pressing "OK" after Epyrus prefilled all the info.

Literally the only two choices are: "Advanced config" and "Cancel".
But I want to say "OK" instead of those two.


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Re: Trouble creating account

Unread post by ltcomdata » 2025-01-14, 13:35

By the way: if I click on the Advanced Button, I get a message that "Incoming Server already exists".

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Re: Trouble creating account

Unread post by ltcomdata » 2025-01-18, 19:34

Like an idiot, I had Epyrus in offline mode. Once Epyrus could actually communicate to the internet, the new button "Done" appears.

Yes, I still had to click on "Manual Configuration" and change the configuration from "OAuth" to "Regular Password" and input my App Password for the account to be added, but I was expecting that.

If my post is considered too trivial for the forum, please delete it.

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