Also - I was going to also ask if it is possible to install other dictionaries (I'm after an en_GB one) to use instead of the built-in(?) en_US one? There is a link displayed on the relevant tab in the preferences but all that does is open an empty page: This is the epyrus-2.1.3.freebsd13.2-x86_64-gtk3.tar.xz build installed on a FreeBSD 13.4-RELEASE-p2 system.
However, since I installed (well unzipped) the build in /opt I was able to get all the dictionaries I wanted by replacing the original /opt/epyrus/dictionaries directory with a symbolic link to the hunspell dictionaries I'd already installed for other purposes, by, in the /opt/epyrus directory:
Code: Select all
sudo mv dictionaries/ dictionaries_orig
sudo ln -s -i /usr/local/share/hunspell/ dictionaries