
For support with specific websites

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Unread post by ibinshoid » 2025-01-19, 11:09

On discourse.gnome.org only the list of topics is displayed and a warning that my browser is unsupported.

JS-console :

Code: Select all

uncaught exception: Unsupported browser detected  
	<anonym> https://discourse.gnome.org/assets/start-discourse-9f921142b762fb91207051d0a28e571b9455bab74e7d0e03726024c286cff8d5.js:3:103
	<anonym> https://discourse.gnome.org/assets/start-discourse-9f921142b762fb91207051d0a28e571b9455bab74e7d0e03726024c286cff8d5.js:6:27

Code: Select all

const t=e.detail
require(`${t.modulePrefix}/app`).default.create(t).start()})),function(){if(window.unsupportedBrowser)throw"Unsupported browser detected"
let e=document.querySelector('meta[name="discourse/config/environment"]')
const t=JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(e.getAttribute("content"))),n=new CustomEvent("discourse-init",{detail:t})

//# sourceMappingURL=start-discourse-3b7f478ea9577c9b263b33702f46508dcef297c544bf9f7693aba93b8eb723ce.map

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Re: discourse.gnome.org

Unread post by frostknight » 2025-01-20, 00:51

ibinshoid wrote:
2025-01-19, 11:09
On discourse.gnome.org only the list of topics is displayed and a warning that my browser is unsupported.

add this to your config of http modify response:


Or if you want, you can do it via the new version:

intercept and modify http response 4.3

and then you have to do it differently. I forget how I set it up when I did it that way. I copied and pasted a specific format and it worked once I turned it on.

But yeah, this problem is one that palemoon users have run into.

Discourse is a pile of horse crap.

If this doesn't fix your problem, just know someone did make a config for this on this forum for discourse.

Feel free to search, you should be able to find it on here. Trust me, I know how annoying discourse is. ;)
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Re: discourse.gnome.org

Unread post by back2themoon » 2025-01-22, 00:13

ibinshoid wrote:
2025-01-19, 11:09
On discourse.gnome.org only the list of topics is displayed and a warning that my browser is unsupported.
Your link (which is not a link) works with the current solution, mentioned by frostknight. There are several discussions about the Discourse issue, the main one being here:

frostknight wrote:
2025-01-20, 00:51
Or if you want, you can do it via the new version: intercept and modify http response 4.3 and then you have to do it differently. I forget how I set it up when I did it that way. I copied and pasted a specific format and it worked once I turned it on.
You just paste the code meant for the older "Modify HTTP Response" extension, into the Convert Filter Syntax function available in the newer "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response", to be found here on the forum.

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Re: discourse.gnome.org

Unread post by frostknight » 2025-01-23, 02:22

back2themoon wrote:
2025-01-22, 00:13
You just paste the code meant for the older "Modify HTTP Response" extension, into the Convert Filter Syntax function available in the newer "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response", to be found here on the forum.
That's true, I had forgotten.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
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