menu bar

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Contact: menu bar

Unread post by Pentium4User » 2025-01-19, 06:37


The black menu bar opens a menu that is unreadable.
In Edge the background is black, but this doesn't appear in PM, so the white fonts are almost unreadable.

kind regards
The profile picture shows my Maico EC30 E ceiling fan.

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Re: menu bar

Unread post by adoxa » 2025-01-20, 12:35

It uses CSS min/max/clamp along with :has, which is what I think is setting the background. Here's a Modify HTTP Response filter to work around them (min & max use the right value; clamp uses the middle; sets the background explicitly, not quite how it should, but good enough).

Code: Select all

Note: you may have a previous filter, which you should remove.

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