- images not loading

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Unread post by back2themoon » 2025-01-18, 13:16

Visit: ... death.html

The very first image at the top of the article appears. Scroll a bit down, there should be four more images but there is blank space instead.

Error Console: TypeError: AbortSignal.timeout is not a function

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Re: - images not loading

Unread post by BenFenner » 2025-01-18, 13:35

Confirmed seeing the same on my setup.

(HTML IMG tags are so hard to grasp for contemporary front-end devs.)

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Re: - images not loading

Unread post by back2themoon » 2025-01-18, 15:28

They are supposed to appear with some sort of fading effect, it seems. Can't say if it's relevant to the issue.

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Re: - images not loading

Unread post by Moonchild » 2025-01-18, 15:44

AbortSignal.timeout() (as a stub) is slated for 33.6.0.

Vulture is going to perform poorly, regardless. You can end up waiting minutes for their images to load because the network back-end will be swamped with advertising http requests.
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Re: - images not loading

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-18, 15:50

Use the following filter in my "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response 4.3" add-on:

Code: Select all

[`/`, `/\/.*/`, [`/class="image-wrapper[\s]+hidden.*?"/gi`, ``], [`/(<img.*?)data-src(.*>)/gi`, `$1src$2`], [`/(<aside[\S\s]*?)<!--([\S\s]*?)-->([\S\s]*?</aside>)/gi`, `$1$2$3`], [`/<script.*?*?embeds.*?<\/script>/gi`, `<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>`]]

Download link ( Intercept & Modify HTTP Response 4.3 ): ...

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Re: - images not loading

Unread post by back2themoon » 2025-01-18, 18:41

tellu-white wrote:
2025-01-18, 15:50
Download link ( Intercept & Modify HTTP Response 4.3 ):
Thank you, tellu-white. I finally installed your extension and I'm keeping it. The filter works, after enabling "HTTP Observer" which I'm not sure if it's an additional feature or if it essentially enables/disables the extension without having to restart Pale Moon. My other filters were successfully converted and imported.

Also, thanks for giving up on the colours. I'll attempt another suggestion: since you won't upload it to the Add-ons Site, perhaps you can add a simple link to your signature? It could point to a specific forum thread (or single message) with relevant, updated info.

I'm not marking this as solved yet - not because your extension didn't provide the expected and correct result. I just think it's more appropriate to do that after a browser update that deals with the issue. Perhaps I'm wrong, since the "mark as solved" points to a specific answer (and question) and I guess "Accept this answer" is not meant as "Globally solved for all users, with or without appropriately configured extensions".

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Re: - images not loading

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-18, 19:22

Thanks back2themoon for the feedback and I'm glad you find my add-on useful.

The «Register "httpObserver"» and «Unregister "httpObserver"» options work without having to restart Pale Moon. The «Unregister "httpObserver"» option is useful (for example) to check if a certain problem solved by the add-on still persists.

I don't understand what your suggestion "add a simple link to your signature" means and how this is accomplished. Please elaborate on this suggestion.

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Re: - images not loading

Unread post by back2themoon » 2025-01-18, 19:38

See the links at the end of my posts ("Information to include when asking for support" etc.). That section is the optional User signature.

Go to User Control Panel/Profile/Edit signature. Also, check the forum Rules on Signatures. Just keep it simple.

On other forums people add small or even extravagant images etc. of things they like, but it doesn't really look good. I am also not seeing that kind of usage here on this forum, which gives it a serious look and prepares the casual visitor for serious content, too. I prefer to just add helpful links there, and update them every now and then. Check RealityRipple's current signature for example. Also moonbat, suzyne and athenian200 for other interesting examples.

Wikipedia wrote:Similarly, most forums allow users to define a signature (sometimes called a sig), which is a block of text, possibly with BBCode, that appears at the bottom of all of the user's posts. There is a character limit on signatures, though it may be so high that it is rarely hit. Often, the forum's moderators impose manual rules on signatures to prevent them from being obnoxious (for example, being extremely long or having flashing images) and issue warnings or bans to users who break these rules. Like avatars, signatures may improve the recognizability of a poster. They may also allow the user to attach information to all of their posts, such as proclaiming support for a cause, noting facts about themselves, or quoting humorous things that have previously been said on the forum.

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Re: - images not loading

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-19, 14:59

Thanks back2themoon for explanations. I'll have to think about it.

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