For support with specific websites
Moderator: trava90
Forum rules
always mention the name/domain of the website in question in your topic title.
Please one website per topic thread (to help keep things organized). While behavior on different sites might at first glance seem similar, they are not necessarily caused by the same.
Please try to include any relevant output from the Toolkit Error Console or the Developer Tools Web Console using the following procedure:
- Clear any current output
- Navigate or refresh the page in question
- Copy and paste Errors or seemingly relevant Warnings into a single [ code ] block.
- Lunatic

- Posts: 343
- Joined: 2019-03-16, 13:26
- Location: Qld, Aus.
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by adoxa » 2024-12-21, 01:35
Code: Select all
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
c-wiz div[jsaction] div { overflow: auto !important; }
- Lunatic

- Posts: 443
- Joined: 2022-08-10, 02:25
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by frostknight » 2024-12-23, 11:28
Harkonnen wrote: ↑2024-12-23, 11:25
Doesnt work either
What addons do you use? maybe that's a problem.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Say NO to Fascism and Corporatism as much as possible!
Also, Peace Be With us All!
- Board Warrior

- Posts: 1028
- Joined: 2021-01-26, 11:18
Unread post
by Kris_88 » 2024-12-23, 11:38
Code: Select all
@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
c-wiz div[aria-label] { overflow: auto !important; }
- Moon lover

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by Harkonnen » 2025-01-08, 16:20
Kris_88 wrote: ↑2024-12-23, 11:38
Code: Select all
@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
c-wiz div[aria-label] { overflow: auto !important; }
This fix works, but only when not logged in to any google account. As soon as i log in, it stops working...
- Board Warrior

- Posts: 1028
- Joined: 2021-01-26, 11:18
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by Kris_88 » 2025-01-08, 17:37
Harkonnen wrote: ↑2025-01-08, 16:20
As soon as i log in, it stops working...
Try this. It works for me.
Code: Select all
@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
c-wiz div[aria-label] { overflow: auto !important; }