Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

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Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by Ethiopia » 2024-09-13, 23:15

Since PM went on it's own Ebay for me has gotten worse and worse until it became unusable a few years ago.
I've gone exclusively to FireFox for the past several years even though I still keep PM for it's password and bookmark capability.
I update PM like a good boy but Ebay refuses to work.
When I log in it'll give me some error about 'loading devicebinding on Ebay.com' PM locks up for several minutes and when it responds again
going to another page locks it up solid and I have to use Process explorer to kill it. While it's locked up (or most other times) it uses a good
15% of my CPU.
Is there a fix for this? I see lots of others have Ebay problems.
I read up on 'Device Binding' but there's nothing in PM's options to disable it.

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Re: Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by moonbat » 2024-09-14, 03:48

Simply writing a sob story with zero troubleshooting information helps no one. Why oh why oh fucking why do newcomers here not follow instructions on what information to provide? How do you expect anyone to help you if you won't provide the standard information (you don't even have to type it out, FFS, there's literally a copy to clipboard button on the about:support page) about your system configuration and browser settings?
Copy that info and paste it within code tags when you reply. Code tags are created by using the 4th button from the left in the post editing window, that has a </> drawn on it.
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Re: Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by andyprough » 2024-09-14, 04:04

Ebay is working well for me right now - I just checked. A lot of times I have trouble with it using any browser at all, but right now seems OK. I think it might just generally be a really crappy website. It still looks to me like something out of the late 1990's or early 00's.

I agree with @moonbat - we would need some troubleshooting info from you in order to try to help you.

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Re: Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by frostknight » 2024-09-14, 10:14

Ethiopia wrote:
2024-09-13, 23:15
Since PM went on it's own Ebay for me has gotten worse and worse until it became unusable a few years ago.
I've gone exclusively to FireFox for the past several years even though I still keep PM for it's password and bookmark capability.
I update PM like a good boy but Ebay refuses to work.
I know what you mean, ebay has gotten more annoying over time. Due to them being... well, user agent sniffers. But as andy said, its just a very crappy design of a website

I sometimes use badwolf browser when a website doesn't work properly, so I understand the need to have a backup.

Anywho, give us some troubleshooting info and we may be able to help.
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Re: Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by Clengit » 2024-10-11, 13:53

Ebay not working for me all this week using Pale Moon. This week's update has not made a difference.

This is on my desktop running W10. Usually I use Ebay on my Android mobile with Firefox.

I go to the sign-in page, enter my username or email address. After that, key presses are not registered. In other words, I press Continue and nothing happens. There are no error messages showing. I don't like cookies.

I'm at a loss what to do! Help appreciated please.

TypeError: window.TaaSTrackingCore is not a constructor
Stack trace:
@https://signin.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI. ... 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Re: Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-10-11, 14:01

Clengit wrote:
2024-10-11, 13:53
I don't like cookies.
eBay requires cookies. Don't block them for eBay.
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Re: Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by Clengit » 2024-10-11, 16:13

Thank you. However it's only 3rd party cookies that are blocked. It's only this week that, this has happened, after years and years of Ebay & PM use?

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Re: Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-10-11, 17:09

I just tested logging in to eBay (.com) with x64, no issues at all.
I logged out, re-tested on ebay (.co.uk) with the same browser, including 2FA. No issues again.
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Re: Ebay has NEVER worked in PM for me.

Unread post by frostknight » 2024-10-12, 09:17

Clengit wrote:
2024-10-11, 16:13
Thank you. However it's only 3rd party cookies that are blocked. It's only this week that, this has happened, after years and years of Ebay & PM use?
As I am curious, I will also test. I am sure it will work.

Yeah it works fine for me.
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