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Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-09-21, 09:43
by Night Wing
@ Clasof56

The only problem with Invidious is, it doesn't support some of the high definition settings which YouTube does. As an example the "Haley Otto Style" titled surfing video in YouTube can be seen in 2160p60 (4K) high definition.

But in Invidious, the highest high definition for the exact same video is only 720p.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-09-21, 21:58
by Clasof56
Yes, night wing, i agree. but for me most youtube videos dont have to be really great quality. Football games come out really good plus you can download videos from indidious and harder to do with you tube. anyway, just another option to try to work around a small problem. clas

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-09-22, 01:29
by somdcomputerguy
Clasof56 wrote:
2022-09-21, 21:58
Yes, night wing, i agree. but for me most youtube videos dont have to be really great quality.
Most of the videos I watch I don't actually watch. They're usually music studio recordings, covers, or live performances that I just listen to. The main problem I experience between Pale Moon and Youtube that is really just a PIMA (pain in my..) annoyance is that when a clip starts the audio and video play just fine, but only for a second or so.. The video freezes but the audio continues normally. After 3 or 4 seconds the video will start playing again. I have tried all the suggestions given to others with YT issues and none have worked to rectify my specific situation, and it really doesn't matter (to me) anyway, because I just want to be able to hear videos..

Now sometimes there's a TV channel or a movie that I want to stream. I just use a different browser then. For some reason, that other browsers' main use has become 'to stream only' more and more.. :think:

I must say that I also use the PMPlayer add-on a bit more than occasionally.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-09-24, 17:12
by THX-1139
One other tweak I am using for YT I failed to mention in my earlier post -I quite frankly forgot I was using it- is a Grease monkey script for the "old" YT GUI.
Apparently it worked for me, as I did not remove it and worked as advertised, here it is just in case someone wants it:
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Old Layout
// @name:pt-BR Layout Antigo do YouTube
// @name:ar YouTube Old Layout
// @name:bg YouTube Old Layout
// @name:cs YouTube Old Layout
// @name:da YouTube Old Layout
// @name:de YouTube Old Layout
// @name:el YouTube Old Layout
// @name:eo YouTube Old Layout
// @name:es YouTube Old Layout
// @name:fi YouTube Old Layout
// @name:fr YouTube Old Layout
// @name:fr-CA YouTube Old Layout
// @name:he YouTube Old Layout
// @name:hu YouTube Old Layout
// @name:id YouTube Old Layout
// @name:it YouTube Old Layout
// @name:ja YouTube Old Layout
// @name:ko YouTube Old Layout
// @name:nb YouTube Old Layout
// @name:nl YouTube Old Layout
// @name:pl YouTube Old Layout
// @name:ro YouTube Old Layout
// @name:ru YouTube Old Layout
// @name:sk YouTube Old Layout
// @name:sr YouTube Old Layout
// @name:sv YouTube Old Layout
// @name:th YouTube Old Layout
// @name:tr YouTube Old Layout
// @name:uk YouTube Old Layout
// @name:vi YouTube Old Layout
// @name:zh-CN YouTube Old Layout
// @name:zh-TW YouTube Old Layout
// @description Permanently recover the old YouTube layout!
// @description:pt-BR Recupere permanentemente o antigo layout do YouTube!
// @description:ar استعادة تخطيط يوتيوب القديم بشكل دائم!
// @description:bg Задължително възстановете старото оформление на YouTube!
// @description:cs Trvale obnovit původní rozložení YouTube!
// @description:da Gendan det gamle YouTube-layout permanent!
// @description:de Stellen Sie das alte YouTube-Layout dauerhaft wieder her!
// @description:el Ανακατέψτε οριστικά την παλιά διάταξη του YouTube!
// @description:eo Konstante reakiri la malnovan YouTube-aranĝon!
// @description:es ¡Recupere permanentemente el antiguo diseño de YouTube!
// @description:fi Palauta vanha YouTube-asettelu pysyvästi!
// @description:fr Récupérez définitivement l'ancienne mise en page YouTube!
// @description:fr-CA Récupérez définitivement l'ancienne mise en page YouTube!
// @description:he השחזר לצמיתות את הפריסה הישנה של YouTube!
// @description:hu Véglegesen helyreállíthatja a régi YouTube-elrendezést!
// @description:id Pulihkan tata letak YouTube lama secara permanen!
// @description:it Ripristina definitivamente il vecchio layout di YouTube!
// @description:ja 古いYouTubeレイアウトを完全に復元します!
// @description:ko 기존 YouTube 레이아웃을 영구적으로 복구하십시오!
// @description:nb Gjenopprett den gamle YouTube-layouten permanent!
// @description:nl Herstel permanent de oude YouTube-lay-out!
// @description:pl Trwale przywróć stary układ YouTube!
// @description:ro Recuperați definitiv vechea structură YouTube!
// @description:ru Навсегда восстановить старый макет YouTube!
// @description:sk Natrvalo obnovte staré rozloženie YouTube!
// @description:sr Trajno oporavite stari izgled YouTubea!
// @description:sv Återställ den gamla YouTube-layouten permanent!
// @description:th กู้คืนเค้าโครง YouTube แบบเก่าอย่างถาวร!
// @description:tr Eski YouTube düzenini kalıcı olarak kurtarın!
// @description:uk Постійно відновіть старий макет YouTube!
// @description:vi Khôi phục vĩnh viễn bố cục YouTube cũ!
// @description:zh-CN 永久恢复旧的YouTube布局!
// @description:zh-TW 永久恢復舊的YouTube佈局!
// @namespace
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @author Punisher
// @version 1.3.r
// @date 2020-06-16
// @compatible chrome
// @compatible firefox
// @compatible opera
// @compatible safari
// @license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International.
// @include*
// @include*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
var date = new Date();
var targetPrefs={'f5':'30030','f6':'8'};
var prefStr=document.cookie.split(' ').filter(o=>o.indexOf('PREF=')!==-1)[0] || 'PREF=';
var prefEntries=prefStr.substr(5).split('&');
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for (var i=0; i<prefEntries.length; i++) {
for(let [key,value] of Object.entries(targetPrefs)) {
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for (var i=0; i<prefEntries.length; i++) {
if (prefEntries.indexOf(key) === 0) {
if (prefEntries.substr(key.length+1)!==value) {
if (!found) {

window.addEventListener("spfdone", function(e) {

window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {

if (changed) {
var newCookie='PREF='+prefEntries.join('&')+';;path=/';

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-10-21, 14:52
by spanky81
I had similar problems with other browsers and then I decided to upgrade RAM to 16GB DDR4 and everything became fast.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-12-26, 20:03
by Massacre
Pale Moon definitely has a problem on Youtube and some other Google sites, because of JS. The only proper solution for now is to use some chromium for it instead... And that's not CPU or RAM problem, because all of this JS seem to be executed in a single thread.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-12-26, 21:46
by Mimine
Yes I tried palemoon and firefox on the same PC on youtube, and palemoon was slow and firefox was fast, so the problem comes from palemoon.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-12-26, 22:14
by somdcomputerguy
Mimine wrote:
2022-12-26, 21:46
.. so the problem comes from palemoon.
No it doesn't. The Pale Moon browser doesn't ignore the problem thus making the problem more apparent. The problem might start with a G and there's a lot of $'s in it too.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-12-27, 14:18
by Massacre
The problem comes from that specific JS.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2022-12-27, 17:22
by Kris_88
Pale Moon does not support webcomponents now, so Youtube loads polyfill. Webcomponents functionality is emulated by polyfill. This emulation is extremely slow.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2023-03-04, 12:16
by UCyborg
I'm trying out Pale Moon 32.1.0b3 with Web Components support and TBH, feels about the same as with adding Firefox/42.0 in the user agent. Maybe it makes a difference on even slower machine? I have an aging AMD Phenom II X4 920 CPU clocked at 3 GHz, which wasn't very fast even when it was new. Also, 64-bit build has always been a bit slower in my experience, plus obviously more RAM hungry, so I've been sticking with 32-bit build. Additionally, Pale Moon continues to be incredibly slow on Speedometer 2.0 and it shows in real life.

Has anyone experimented with alternative front-ends for YouTube? So far, I've tried Invidious (eg. and Piped (eg. Invidious insists on using AV1 codec in DASH mode (allows higher resolutions), which is way too heavy for older machines while Piped doesn't like caching, so put video on the loop and portions of it will have to re-download over and over. I wonder if there's a trick that could influence caching on this front-end.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2023-03-04, 17:36
by Mæstro
I like Invidious and have set any YouTube link to redirect thither. To avoid automatic play (needful for bandwidth limits), I disable scripts on the site and download or open any reel I would like to watch. While I wish it would let me select 240p with sound over 360p, it works well.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2023-03-04, 17:46
by Sob__
I do see significant difference with Web Components beta. On slighly older computer (i5-7500, Win10), same random YT video in 32.0.1 takes 16 seconds until UI completely renders and CPU usage drops down. In 32.1.0b3 it drops down to 10 seconds, so great job. Of course in Edge it takes about 3 seconds.

As for other frontends, Piped works great when it comes to speed, but for me it gets stuck relatively often. Which is something on server side, because it happens in all browsers, there are 403 (I think) network errors for some reason.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2023-03-04, 19:08
by THX-1139
Since I stopped viewing Any YT vids (maybe once in a blue moon) I had to check and see if YT had gotten worse: I clicked an external link and it took approx 5 seconds tops, to start playing. I then clicked a link within YT and it took about 3 seconds to start play, the last time I was logged into YT (not too long ago but not this time) it would take 1-2 secs to start play...'Shrugs' and/or :coffee:

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2023-03-04, 20:24
by Sob__
There's difference between when it starts to play (that's not too bad, it's roughly half of it) and when UI becomes usable. In theory, you come for the video, so it's good when it starts to play early. Except when it's preceded by annoying ads that you can't even skip when UI doesn't react. And it's just the initial access, further navigation is fine.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2023-03-04, 23:24
by UCyborg
I'm curious what load time will be with final 32-bit build. If I compare with Firefox 60 user agent that was used before by default, initial load is definitely much better, it needed about 30 seconds then. It's like they serve slower polyfill to Firefox 60...if it's even connected to polyfill or something else in the internals.

Yeah, I forgot, I experienced interruptions with Piped as well. I like that there's a setting for codecs though, Invidious could really use that.

Re: YouTube SLOW!

Posted: 2023-03-14, 18:34
by jangdonggun1234
As people said, using alternative front-ends fix slowness problem, I also want to share my way of fixing slowness of Youtube, it's popping video to MPV player and watch from MPV instead, better performance, better features, there's no downsides: viewtopic.php?p=237564#p237564
