Increased memory consumption

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Increased memory consumption

Unread post by sfdvfdsvfd » 2025-01-25, 20:27

Get the evening to everyone. Sorry, I was looking for a similar topic, but no one suits me, please excuse me if there is such a topic somewhere else or was. In general, on Windows 8.1 of the version 33.5.1, he takes a lot of memory from about 345-350 MB per tab, but this is a minimum, it happens that it depends on sites and can take 650 MB both for one and for 3, for example with two BlueSky and Twitter bookmarks take more than 1 GB.
Tell me how to solve the problem.
Sorry, I have home windows for one language, and I can’t change it.

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Re: Increased memory consumption

Unread post by Moonchild » 2025-01-25, 21:05

Curious how you know how much memory Pale Moon takes "per tab" as the browser doesn't use strict separation of tab resources.

In any case, welcome to the modern Web. heavy sites like Xwitter and other social media are very memory hungry regardless of which browser is in use (a youtube tab, for example, will happily take 1.5 GB of RAM in Edge). There's nothing to "fix" (other than making sure you have a proper ad-blocker installed).
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Re: Increased memory consumption

Unread post by andyprough » 2025-01-26, 01:48

A lot of the memory use on modern sites is from large media elements that load automatically. You can reduce that significantly by using uBlock add-on and setting the "Block Large Media Elements" to a size that works well for you. You can still see the images and videos by clicking on them individually or by telling uBlock to allow all on that individual page.

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Re: Increased memory consumption

Unread post by Nuck-TH » 2025-01-26, 07:02

Windows lies about edge memory use on Processes tab, you need to tally it yourself from Details tab to see actual use.
To wit: for example now Edge on Processes tab shows ~710MB use, but by tally from Details tab it is actually ~1260MB.
It is also rather difficult and not very correct to compare memory consumption - Edge aggressively unloads tabs at every opportunity. Unfortunately it doesn't help from pagefile thrashing, because chrome and derivatives allocate much more memory than they actually use.

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Re: Increased memory consumption

Unread post by PapaiMark » 2025-01-27, 17:19

Just a comment (if it is not due, please delete it)

I Installed the extension "CPU & Memory Usage Statusbar" years ago and did not remove it because it does not spend useful visual space. It stays at the very right-bottom corner.
This extension is comfortable, avoid switching windows.
Right now, only this page opened:
the extension shows 350 MB
TaskManager shows 275 MB
Procexp shows 363 MB.

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