Google Search with Javascript Blocked

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Google Search with Javascript Blocked

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-22, 00:48

FourthDr wrote:


I tried it in Palemoon. Installed the add-on and added the code and enabled it. I then tried a quick google search. But all I got was a blank page. No search results. Nice try, but no cigar. Any other suggestions?

I tried this "work around" myself and it didn't work for me either. Seeing that it worked at adoxa, I tried several alternatives and I came to the conclusion that I can make this "work around" work with two conditions:

A. Use a "Google Custom Page".

B. Save cookies obtained with that page and load them in the Browser before each "Google Search".

To make this easier, I made an Add-On ( Google Search Without Javascript 1.0 ) :
IMPORTANT !!! - Do not open any Google pages because the Add-On will open a page with a special Google URL ( see "Google Custom Page" below ) :

IMPORTANT !!! - The next steps must be followed exactly, otherwise it doesn't work.

INFO: I used my Add-On "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response 4.3", but it should also work with "Modify HTTP Response". The filter for my Add-On is this:

Code: Select all

[`/google/`, `/^\/search/`, [`/<noscript.*?noscript>/g`, ``]]
Intercept & Modify HTTP Response 4.3

Here are Screenshots with this process:


I. Initialization ( the next 9 steps will be executed only once ) :

1. In "about:config" -> set "javascript.enabled" = true

2. Disable Filter in "Modify HTTP Response"
3. "Ctrl + Click" on Button = Open "Google Custom Page"

4. IMPORTANT !!! -> Run a "dummy" search ( for example, "javascript" )
5. Click on "Accept all" Cookies Button, then wait for the page to load
6. "Shift + Click" on Button = Get "Google Search Cookies" from "Google Search" Page & Save "Google Search Cookies" to "prefs.js"
7. Close "Google Search" Page

8. In "about:config" -> set "javascript.enabled" = false

9. Enable Filter in "Modify HTTP Response"

II. Run a "Google Search" :

"Click" = Get "Google Search Cookies" from "prefs.js" + Copy "Google Search Cookies" in "Browser" + Open "Google Custom Page"

III. Optional :

"Alt + Click" on Button = Delete "Google Search Cookies"


This is what the 2 cookies this Add-On uses look like:

I'm curious if the particular URL I'm using is valid in all Hardware configurations, so I'd be glad to get feedback from those interested in my solution.


Download link ( Google Search Without Javascript 1.0 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-24, 22:57

I did some research and found out that only the "gbv=1" parameter in the "Google Custom Page" is required for my add-on to work. So the new "Google Custom Page" will be "".
Google Search modes:
"gbv = 2" -> default, with JavaScript
"gbv = 1" -> without Javascript

Google Search has two forms of search pages, one that's normally served to people with JavaScript, and one that's served to people who have it off, also known as Google Basic Variant (GBV) mode, to enable GBV mode, and not disable JS browser-wide (javascript.enabled false), you can make domains rules with uBlock Origin or uMatrix. ... fixup-fork

I changed the code taken from the "Greasemonkey" script from the page with the URL above (to run in my add-on), so there is no need to install that script.

Additionally, my add-on will add the parameter "gbv=1" to any "google" link in any "google" page opened, or, if this parameter already exists in those links and has the value 2, my add-on will change this value from 2 to 1.


NOTE : The initialization described in the previous post must be done again, after installing the new version of the add-on.


Download link ( Google Search Without Javascript 1.2 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-25, 22:47

In the 1.2 version of my add-on there is a bug that stops activating the script that removes the tracking parameters from the urls ("Google Search URL Fixup") after restarting Pale Moon.


In Google Search with Javascript, the links are loaded (initially) without the tracking parameters, these being added by Javascript after clicking on a link. In Google Search without Javascript, the links are loaded from the beginning with the tracking parameters, because it is no longer possible to add them after clicking on the link, as Javascript is disabled. This is the reason why the "Google Search URL Fixup" code is required (in my add-on), to remove the tracking parameters when the page is loading.


01. Original URL - Without Previous Click on Link - in ''Google Search'' With Javascript Enabled
02. Original URL - Without Previous Click on Link - in ''Google Search'' Without Javascript Enabled
03. Original URL - Without Previous Click on Link - in ''Google Search'' Without Javascript Enabled - With Add-On with ''Google Search URL Fixup''

Version 2.0 of my add-on, with bugfix.

Download link ( Google Search Without Javascript 2.0 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-26, 14:55

I noticed that even though Javascript is disabled, Google is loading Javascript code in the HTML page. I don't know what this does, but I have modified the Filter in my "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response 4.3" add-on to remove this Javascript code too:

Code: Select all

[`/google/`, `/^\/search/`, [`/<noscript.*?noscript>/g`, ``], [`/<script[\S\s]*?script>/g`, ``]]
Screenshots with the HTML code before and after modifying the Filter:

In addition, I added two more options to the "Google Search Without Javascript" add-on:

1."Ctrl + Shift + Click" on Button = Enable Javascript manually

2. "Ctrl + Alt + Click" on Button = Disable Javascript manually
IMPORTANT! - These options should NOT be used to open a Google page, but are useful to open other pages that do not work without Javascript enabled.

IMPORTANT! - After manually enabling Javascript and visiting a page that needs this setting, you MUST manually disable Javascript before you open a Google page that is not already open. There is no need to manually enable Javascript if switching to a TAB where a Google page without Javascript is already open.


NOTE: I don't use "uBlock Origin" or "uMatrix", but on the "Greasemonkey" script page they say that these add-ons offer the option to disable Javascript selectively ("domains rules"). Users of these add-ons will not need the last two options added in the 2.1 version of the "Google Search Without Javascript" add-on.


Download link ( Google Search Without Javascript 2.1 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-26, 21:36

A minor add-on change. Step 8 in "Initialization" is no longer necessary because when "Google Custom Page" is opened with Click on the add-on button, it will also set "javascript.enabled = false".

NOTE: Any "Google Search" MUST be initiated ONLY in the "Google Custom Page" opened with Click on add-on's button.


Download link ( Google Search Without Javascript 2.2 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-27, 23:32

I did some more tests and discovered that you don't need to set "javascript.enabled = false" so that "Google Search" pages should not use Javascript! Three conditions are needed to get this behavior:

1. Accepting "Google Search Cookies", but ONLY on condition that the FIRST "Google Search" page (which triggers Google's request to accept cookies) has the "gbv=1" parameter in its URL.

2. Using the following filter in "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response" add-on:

Code: Select all

[`/google/`, `/\/.*/`, [`/<noscript.*?noscript>/g`, ``], [`/<script[\S\s]*?script>/g`, ``]]
3. Using "WebRequest.onBeforeBeforeSendHeaders.addListener" to modify all Google page URLs so that they contain the "gbv=1" parameter. This is necessary because Google automatically changes "gbv=1" to "gbv=2" in any request.

To implement conditions 1 and 3 above, I made the add-on "Google Search with Javascript Blocked".

Screenshots showing the required steps:

I. Initialization ( the next 7 steps will be executed only once ) :

1. Disable Filter in "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response" ( the button of "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response" add-on turns RED )

2. IMPORTANT !!! -> "Shift + Click" on this add-on's Button = Open "Google Custom Page" to Get "Google Search Cookies" + Disable "WebRequest" ( the button of "Google Search with Javascript Blocked" add-on turns RED )

3. IMPORTANT !!! -> Run a "dummy" search ( for example, "javascript" )
4. Click on "Accept all" Cookies Button, then wait for the page to load
5. Close "Google Search" Page

6. Enable Filter in "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response" ( the button of "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response" add-on turns BLUE )

7. "Ctrl + Click" on this add-on's Button = Enable "WebRequest" ( the button of "Google Search with Javascript Blocked" add-on turns BLUE )


Run a "Google Search" :

Open your "Google Search" page and run a search.
If you open a non-Google page (e.g. Wikipedia), you can see that Javascript is enabled on this page:

This is the Filter in the "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response" add-on:

Optional :

"Ctrl + Shift + Click" on this add-on's Button = Enable Javascript

"Ctrl + Alt + Click" on this add-on's Button = Disable Javascript

These 2 options are not used by this add-on but I have kept them because some users may want to disable Javascript on non-Google pages too.


Download link ( Google Search with Javascript Blocked 1.1 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-29, 00:16

In version 1.1 of this add-on I didn't keep the option to save cookies, and this was not a good decision. If the user deletes cookies, he will have to do the initialization of the add-on again. To fix this issue, I've made a new version (2.0) in which I added again the option to save cookies in "prefs.js". In version 2.0 I've also added the code used by the "Intercept & Modify HTTP Response" add-on, so it won't be needed anymore (and the filter used is also embedded in the code of this add-on).

Screenshots showing the required steps:

I. Initialization ( the next 5 steps will be executed only once ) :

1. IMPORTANT !!! -> "Ctrl + Shift + Click" on Button = Open "Google Custom Page" to Get "Google Search Cookies" ( Add-On is Disabled - the Button is RED )

2. IMPORTANT !!! -> Run a "dummy" search ( for example, "javascript" )
3. Click on "Accept all" Cookies Button, then wait for the page to load
4. "Ctrl + Alt + Click" on Button = Get "Google Search Cookies" + Save "Google Search Cookies" to "prefs.js" ( the "Google Search" TAB will Close )
5. "Ctrl + Click" on Button = Add "WebRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders" Listener & Register "httpObserver" ( Add-On is Enabled - the Button turns BLUE )

Run a "Google Search" :

IMPORTANT !!! -> "Click" on Button = Get "Google Search Cookies" from "prefs.js" + Copy "Google Search Cookies" in "Browser" + Open "Google Custom Page"
If you open a non-Google page (e.g. Wikipedia), you can see that Javascript is enabled on this page:

Download link ( Google Search with Javascript Blocked 2.0 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-31, 21:06

There was another problem I ran into after I posted version 2.0 of the add-on. You can only use "Google Search" on the page with the language for which cookies have been saved. For example, if cookies have been saved for "" then you cannot block Javascript on the "" page (for example).

Because there are users who want to use "Google Search" in their native language ( e.g. ), I've made version 3.0 of this add-on in which I've introduced this option (as well as some bugfix).

If this option is not used, then the add-on will use the default setting, "".

Screenshots showing the necessary steps (new option only):
If you open a non-Google page (e.g. Wikipedia), you can see that Javascript is enabled on this page:


1. I've translated the word "Moon" into Japanese with "".

2. List of available "Google Search Domains":
"", "Andorra"
"", "United Arab Emirates"
"", "Albania"
"", "Armenia"
"", "American Samoa"
"", "Austria"
"", "Azerbaijan"
"", "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
"", "Belgium"
"", "Burkina Faso"
"", "Bulgaria"
"", "Burundi"
"", "Benin"
"", "Bahamas"
"", "Bhutan"
"", "Belarus"
"", "Canada"
"", "Catalan"
"", "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
"", "Central African Republic"
"", "Republic of the Congo"
"", "Switzerland"
"", "Ivory Coast"
"", "Chile"
"", "Cameroon"
"", "China"
"", "Angola"
"", "Botswana"
"", "Cook Islands"
"", "Costa Rica"
"", "Indonesia"
"", "Israel"
"", "India"
"", "Japan"
"", "Kenya"
"", "South Korea"
"", "Lesotho"
"", "Morocco"
"", "Mozambique"
"", "New Zealand"
"", "Thailand"
"", "Tanzania"
"", "Uganda"
"", "United Kingdom"
"", "Uzbekistan"
"", "Venezuela"
"", "United States Virgin Islands"
"", "South Africa"
"", "Zambia"
"", "Zimbabwe"
"", "United States"
"", "Afghanistan"
"", "Antigua and Barbuda"
"", "Anguilla"
"", "Argentina"
"", "Australia"
"", "Bangladesh"
"", "Bahrain"
"", "Brunei"
"", "Bolivia"
"", "Brazil"
"", "Belize"
"", "Colombia"
"", "Cuba"
"", "Cyprus"
"", "Dominican Republic"
"", "Ecuador"
"", "Egypt"
"", "Ethiopia"
"", "Fiji"
"", "Ghana"
"", "Gibraltar"
"", "Guatemala"
"", "Hong Kong"
"", "Jamaica"
"", "Cambodia"
"", "Kuwait"
"", "Lebanon"
"", "Libya"
"", "Myanmar"
"", "Malta"
"", "Mexico"
"", "Malaysia"
"", "Namibia"
"", "Nigeria"
"", "Nicaragua"
"", "Nepal"
"", "Oman"
"", "Panama"
"", "Peru"
"", "Papua New Guinea"
"", "Philippines"
"", "Pakistan"
"", "Puerto Rico"
"", "Paraguay"
"", "Qatar"
"", "Saudi Arabia"
"", "Solomon Islands"
"", "Singapore"
"", "Sierra Leone"
"", "El Salvador"
"", "Tajikistan"
"", "Turkey"
"", "Turkiye"
"", "Taiwan"
"", "Ukraine"
"", "Uruguay"
"", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
"", "Vietnam"
"", "Cape Verde"
"", "Czech Republic"
"", "Germany"
"", "Djibouti"
"", "Denmark"
"", "Dominica"
"", "Algeria"
"", "Estonia"
"", "Spain"
"", "Finland"
"", "Micronesia, Federated States of"
"", "France"
"", "Gabon"
"", "Georgia"
"", "Bailiwick of Guernsey"
"", "Greenland"
"", "Gambia"
"", "Guadeloupe"
"", "Greece"
"", "Guyana"
"", "Honduras"
"", "Croatia"
"", "Haiti"
"", "Hungary"
"", "Ireland"
"", "Isle of Man"
"", "Iraq"
"", "Iceland"
"", "Italy"
"", "Jersey"
"", "Jordan"
"", "Kyrgyzstan"
"", "Kiribati"
"", "Kazakhstan"
"", "Laos"
"", "Liechtenstein"
"", "Sri Lanka"
"", "Lithuania"
"", "Luxembourg"
"", "Latvia"
"", "Moldova"
"", "Montenegro"
"", "Madagascar"
"", "Macedonia"
"", "Mali"
"", "Mongolia"
"", "Montserrat"
"", "Mauritius"
"", "Maldives"
"", "Malawi"
"", "Niger"
"", "Netherlands"
"", "Norway"
"", "Nauru"
"", "Niue"
"", "Poland"
"", "Pitcairn Islands"
"", "Palestine"
"", "Portugal"
"", "Romania"
"", "Serbia"
"", "Russia"
"", "Rwanda"
"", "Seychelles"
"", "Sweden"
"", "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"
"", "Slovenia"
"", "Slovakia"
"", "San Marino"
"", "Senegal"
"", "Somalia"
"", "Suriname"
"", "São Tomé and Príncipe"
"", "Chad"
"", "Togo"
"", "Tokelau"
"", "Timor-Leste"
"", "Turkmenistan"
"", "Tunisia"
"", "Tonga"
"", "Trinidad and Tobago"
"", "British Virgin Islands"
"", "Vanuatu"
"", "Samoa"

Download link ( Google Search with Javascript Blocked 3.0 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-02-02, 17:50

While working with the 3.0 version of the add-on, I noticed that the URL of the first page with "Google Search" results has some unwanted parameters. These parameters do not appear in the links inside the page with results, nor in the URLs of the following pages with "Google Search" results.


1. URL of the first page with "Google Search" results:
2. URL of the second page with "Google Search" results:
To fix this problem, I've made version 3.1 of this add-on, where the unwanted parameters no longer appear in the URL of the first page with "Google Search" results.


Download link ( Google Search with Javascript Blocked 3.1 ):

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by moonbat » 2025-02-02, 22:44

Why don't you keep a fixed thread in the addons forum for your addon updates instead of posting them all over the place? Easier for people to find it as well especially given your decision to not publish it officially.
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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-02-03, 14:36

moonbat wrote:
2025-02-02, 22:44
Why don't you keep a fixed thread in the addons forum for your addon updates instead of posting them all over the place? Easier for people to find it as well especially given your decision to not publish it officially.
I don't know the reason, but I have received very little feedback from users of this forum about the add-ons I have posted. For this reason, I don't know how much interest there is in my add-ons. That's why I post them in the topics where problems have been posted that these add-ons are trying to solve. This way, those interested in solving a particular problem will read those posts and decide if they will try - or not - my add-on.

As I said, add-on programming is a hobby for me. This is the reason why I don't use all the add-ons I make. If I would "officially publish" the add-ons (or make a "fixed thread in the addons forum"), I would turn this hobby into an obligation: that of constantly checking the functionality of all posted add-ons. I don't want to do that, as long as I don't know the level of interest in each add-on.

If the problem solved (temporarily) by one of my add-ons (which I don't use) reappears, then those who have decided to use that add-on can make this known on the same thread where I originally posted that add-on. In this case I will try to update (only) that add-on, unless the new problem is a completely different one - a problem that requires a different approach than the one I used in my add-on.

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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by frostknight » 2025-02-03, 20:23

tellu-white wrote:
2025-02-03, 14:36
on't know the reason, but I have received very little feedback from users of this forum about the add-ons I have posted. For this reason, I don't know how much interest there is in my add-ons. That's why I post them in the topics where problems have been posted that these add-ons are trying to solve. This way, those interested in solving a particular problem will read those posts and decide if they will try - or not - my add-on.
Maybe have a repository for your addon? like on the palemoon repo? ( Then people have an easy way to report?

It just seems a bit clunky to do it on here. I haven't had problems though with your version of intercept and modify http response.

So that I can tell you works perfectly fine for me so far.
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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by moonbat » 2025-02-03, 22:52

tellu-white wrote:
2025-02-03, 14:36
I have received very little feedback from users of this forum about the add-ons I have posted
To provide feedback, there needs to be a fixed post explicitly about your extension. So far all you've been doing is posting extremely long winded updates of changes on other people's problem requests. How will anyone even know your extension exists from the title of a post such as this one (turn on javascript to keep searching)? Make a thread for your extension in the Addons subforum and update it with comments whenever you make changes. That way users can also comment there with feedback/request for help.
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Re: Google Search Redirect "Turn on JavaScript to keep searching"

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-02-04, 21:02

"Google Search"without Javascript doesn't have "Pagination" at the footer of the pages with results, so it's harder to find your way through the search results. In order to solve this problem, I've made the 4.0 version of this add-on in which I've introduced "Pagination". So, each page with results will have in its footer 20 links to 20 "Google Search" pages with results. I chose this number arbitrarily, being large enough for any reasonable search. If for a given search term there are less than 20 "Google Search" pages with results available, then the extra links will display a "Google Search" page with the message: "Your search - XXX - did not match any documents".


Download link ( Google Search with Javascript Blocked 4.0 ):

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Re: Google Search with Javascript Blocked

Unread post by Moonchild » 2025-02-04, 21:58

Split off the relevant posts into a new topic.
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