[COMPLETED!] Collection effort for a Mail&News

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[COMPLETED!] Collection effort for a Mail&News

Unread post by Moonchild » 2018-09-10, 03:36

Since this has come up in the plea to revive FossaMail thread and people have been willing to chip in, but Tobin doesn't want to deal with putting time into organizing the collection through things like GoFundMe or Kickstarter or whatnot, I'll be doing the administrative overhead here of the collection effort.
I'll update this post with your donations and once the goal has been reached I'll PayPal the amount to Tobin so he gets paid for the effort of creating the mail and news client and maintaining it for a year, as offered.

What will this collection efford fund?

This is for the development of a Mail, News and RSS reader with a tight focus on those 3 goals, adapted from Thunderbird and building on UXP.

Main features of the resulting client:
  • Will run on Windows 7 or higher
  • Will have a Linux version
  • Is UXP-based
  • Is a POP/IMAP and SMTP e-mail client
  • Is a Usenet Newsgroup (NNTP) client
  • Is an RSS/Atom feed reader
  • Has Extension support (no WebExtensions)
  • No curvy tabs or mobile-first "modern" design paradigms
Current status: $760 of $750 required
Pledged: $859.73 (delayed pledge released to fund any part of our efforts by the donor)
Received: $759.73

{Donation details removed}

We've reached the goal! Thank you all for your donations through various channels!
Last edited by Moonchild on 2018-09-15, 05:43, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by Attronarch » 2018-09-10, 12:58

Half way there!

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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by Moonchild » 2018-09-10, 13:06

Attronarch wrote:Half way there!
Mostly thanks to you ;)
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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by back2themoon » 2018-09-10, 13:26

I'd suggest adding a basic feature list/presentation here to make the whole thing a bit more attractive. For example:
  • MailNews Client features:

    Windows 7 or higher
    Linux version
    POP/IMAP mail client
    Newsgroup client
    RSS reader
    Extension support (no WebExtensions)
    No curvy tabs
Last edited by back2themoon on 2018-09-10, 13:27, edited 1 time in total.

New Tobin Paradigm

Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by New Tobin Paradigm » 2018-09-10, 17:52

Looks about right re: basic features.

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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by Moonchild » 2018-09-11, 21:03

We're getting there. $425 of $750! Only $325 to go
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New Tobin Paradigm

Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by New Tobin Paradigm » 2018-09-11, 21:13

Awwwwww shit.. You guys are gonna make me actually do this aren't you. :P

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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by Moonchild » 2018-09-12, 05:52

New Tobin Paradigm wrote:Awwwwww shit.. You guys are gonna make me actually do this aren't you. :P
You bet.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past; wisdom is of the future." -- Native American proverb
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New Tobin Paradigm

Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by New Tobin Paradigm » 2018-09-14, 07:19

Come on guys, over half-way there.. Don't let this go to waste!


Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by firefoxed » 2018-09-14, 09:06

Sounds fantastic. Thank you for undertaking this valuable project.
Would be honored to chip in something decent, but I'm locked out of Paypal. (You already know this, but what an awful company they are. On their crazy security page, after selecting "Call me" or "Upload ID", the 'Next' button is grayed out.)
They're closed for the weekend, calling them on Monday.

Have a great weekend. Thanks for your valuable work in the service of the community.


Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by Octopuss » 2018-09-14, 09:59

€10 sent (I assume it automatically gets converted to any other currency)

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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by bobber575 » 2018-09-14, 12:00

$50 (US) Sent. Been waiting for this ever since Fossamail was abandoned.


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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by ag0044 » 2018-09-14, 12:12

$AU25 sent. Sadly, it seems to have gone down to $US17 after PP, Amex, and so on took their cut.
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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by bobber575 » 2018-09-14, 12:57

New Tobin Paradigm wrote:Awwwwww shit.. You guys are gonna make me actually do this aren't you. :P


Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by KNTRO » 2018-09-14, 13:38

New Tobin Paradigm wrote:You guys are gonna make me actually do this aren't you. :P
Not at all! :lol:

Sent a few bucks over there so we all can enjoy a new MailNews client soon! Oh, yeah! :clap:


Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by KNTRO » 2018-09-14, 14:16

Oh, by the way, is there already an official name for that client? Is it simply MailNews, like the old one before FossaMail? What about MailMoon? I mean, Mail sounds similar to Pale. ;)

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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by Moonchild » 2018-09-14, 14:22

KNTRO wrote:is there already an official name for that client?
There will be. Suggestions are not needed.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by Rickkins » 2018-09-14, 15:25

Wife and I are on a very limited income until retirement funds kick in, in two years.

So we sent the minimum.

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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by Moonchild » 2018-09-14, 18:30

With some luck we'll reach the goal this weekend!
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past; wisdom is of the future." -- Native American proverb
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Re: Collection effort for a MailNews client by Tobin

Unread post by JSladek » 2018-09-14, 19:41

Sounds great to me. $50(US) sent.
