Syncing Firefox mobile bookmarks with Palemoon. Is it possible?

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Syncing Firefox mobile bookmarks with Palemoon. Is it possible?

Unread post by karenflowers » 2024-11-22, 07:57

I was hoping someone running palemoon and firefox for mobile android could help me. I'm curious if its possible to export bookmarks from firefox mobile into palemoon and wondering what the process would be exactly. I did a quick search before posting and couldn't find much regarding this particular endeavor. I'm pretty certain the Pale Moon Sync Service is just for syncing between computers. So that option is probably out unfortunately. (With the Pale Moon mobile browser being abandoned a long time ago and all that) I found one reddit post from a few years back however mentioning something called shaman for android but one fellow in the post just said he uses it to sync and didn't go into detail on how exactly to do this. Also, I found the page on f-droid for the shaman apk but coincidentally there wasn't any setup instructions either that I could see. To anyone who can assist I'd very much appreciate it as I use to use Pale Moon and I miss it but the one thing that makes me reluctant to use as my primary browser would be the inability to share bookmarks between mobile and desktop.


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Re: Syncing Firefox mobile bookmarks with Palemoon. Is it possible?

Unread post by moonbat » 2024-11-22, 08:38

Not possible, Firefox uses a newer and less secure version of the original Weave sync protocol unlike Pale Moon.
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Re: Syncing Firefox mobile bookmarks with Palemoon. Is it possible?

Unread post by andyprough » 2024-11-22, 09:40

karenflowers wrote:
2024-11-22, 07:57
I'm curious if its possible to export bookmarks from firefox mobile into palemoon and wondering what the process would be exactly.
Looking at my Firefox mobile, seems you would have to sync the bookmarks with a Firefox desktop instance, and then export the bookmarks from Firefox desktop to an .html file to import them into Pale Moon. My Firefox mobile does not have an option to directly export the bookmarks to an .html file, so I can't go directly from Firefox mobile to Pale Moon.

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Re: Syncing Firefox mobile bookmarks with Palemoon. Is it possible?

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-11-22, 13:43

It's not possible to sync Firefox bookmarks with Pale Moon since Mozilla switched to "Firefox Accounts" from the time-tested and secure weave implementation. They no longer support weave, and I do not think there is a WebExtension that re-implements it (although I have not searched). The Pale Moon and Firefox synchronization methods are completely different and incompatible.

While you can do the occasional manual import as outlined above, you can't keep them in sync automatically.

Maybe third-party services exist that allow you to do this, but otherwise you'd have to use something like to keep bookmarks in a web-based library, instead.
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