Toolbar button color Topic is solved

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Toolbar button color

Unread post by Pelican » 2025-01-19, 01:29

I am having trouble finding where I can change the background color for the TOOLBAR-BUTTON.

Also need to adjust the spacing/width of the button to eliminate an overlap with the meta title. Any idea where to start?


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Re: Toolbar button color

Unread post by tellu-white » 2025-01-19, 16:20

Copy the following code into the "userChrome.css" file:

C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\Profiles\XXXXXXXX.default\chrome\userChrome.css

Code: Select all

#appmenu-button {
	width: 90px !important;
	height: 18px !important;
	max-width: 90px !important;
	max-height: 18px !important;
	margin: 0px !important;
	padding: 2px 5px 3px 2px  !important;
	background: #ff0539 !important;
Change #ff0539 color to the desired one.

Screenshot after applying the code above:

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Re: Toolbar button color

Unread post by Pelican » 2025-01-19, 20:24

tellu-white wrote:
2025-01-19, 16:20
Copy the following code into the "userChrome.css" file
That might work for personal use, but I need to make the changes to the browser source that will apply to all builds.

"Official" builds produce the Pale Moon blue button color, while "Unofficial" builds produce a black button, which is ok, but because the title name is slightly longer, the button is overlapping the meta title. But where exactly that CSS is located is most difficult... there are so many references for #appmenu-button and none of them define a color like #nnnnnn

It is mainly the width of that button that I need to adjust.

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Re: Toolbar button

Unread post by Pelican » 2025-01-20, 00:02

The title button spacing is the problem... if the title is longer than "Pale Moon" it overlaps the page tile as shown here...


The start point for page title is fixed and I need to move it to allow for a wider title button. But where is the CSS for that?

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Re: Toolbar button color

Unread post by Moonchild » 2025-01-20, 00:18

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