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Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-08, 16:01
by letmeindude
When I open a few tabs I get this:

So why not move that text to the end, so we can see extension names in our tabs without hovering, switching, etc?

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-09, 06:37
by therube
(Not what you want, but mouseover on the tab... Should work most everywhere, not only on Pale Moon.

Suppose you could use an extension to modify the page <title> </title>?)

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-09, 08:07
by karlkracher
Well, I see two possibilities

1. Start a discussion with New Tobin Paradigm.

2. Install Greasemonkey (if not already done) and use a script to change the title tag

Code: Select all

// ==UserScript==
// @name        change_pm_addon_title
// @namespace   cpat
// @include*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

// greasemonkey for pale moon 3.31.4

document.title = document.title.replace ('Pale Moon - ', '') + ' - Pale Moon';

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-09, 12:02
by New Tobin Paradigm

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-09, 12:28
by letmeindude
karlkracher wrote:
2020-01-09, 08:07
1. Start a discussion with New Tobin Paradigm.

2. Install Greasemonkey (if not already done) and use a script to change the title tag
1. No.

2. Thank you, I have Violentmonkey installed in Opera, so that will do it.

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-09, 12:42
by jars_
This is really annoying tradition\pattern, has taken root on many sites - site name in the begining of tab аnd only then site topic name.

Это действительно очень тупая традиция\шаблон, прижилась на многих сайтах - имя сайта в начале вкладок и только затем, название раздела, страницы.
2. Install Greasemonkey (if not already done) and use a script to change the title tag

Code: Select all

// ==UserScript==
// @name              Correct Title
// @namespace
// @description      Korrigiert den Titel von PHPBB-Foren ohne Thread im Titel
// @version            2.0
// @include        http**
// @include        http**
// @include        http**
// @include        http**
// @grant                     none
// @run-at	            document-end
// ==/UserScript==
// Made by Malte Kraus, firefox [ad] maltekraus [dot] de

// you may want to change this to fit your needs
// var dividers = [" :: ", " - "];
// разделители имени по которым будет разворот названия
var dividers = [" | ", " :: ", " - ", " • ", " / "];

var title = document.title;
var parts = [];

var i = dividers.length;
while(i--) {
  if(title.indexOf(dividers[i]) != - 1) {
    parts.push(title.substr(0, title.indexOf(dividers[i])));
    title = title.substr(title.indexOf(dividers[i]) + dividers[i].length);


var threadTitle = document.getElementsByClassName("maintitle");
if(threadTitle.length) {
  threadTitle = threadTitle[threadTitle.length - 1].textContent;
  if(document.title.indexOf(threadTitle) == -1)

for(var i = 1, title = parts[0]; i < parts.length; i++) {
  title = title + dividers[i - 1] + parts[i];

document.title = title;

// include topic title on phpbb reply pages
if(location.href.indexOf("posting.php?mode=topicreview") != -1) {
  parent.document.title = parts[0] + dividers[1] + parent.document.title;

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-09, 13:11
by letmeindude
jars_ wrote:
2020-01-09, 12:42
This is really annoying tradition\pattern, has taken root on many sites - site name in the begining of tab аnd only then site topic name.
Maybe they want more people to install Greasemonkey :) Thank you for the script.

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-09, 13:21
by New Tobin Paradigm
That would be an incorrect assumption.

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-10, 02:35
by moonbat
jars_ wrote:
2020-01-09, 12:42
This is really annoying tradition\pattern, has taken root on many sites - site name in the begining of tab аnd only then site topic name.
It goes back to when the web was originally made up of HTML documents connected by links - the title reflected the page hierarchy going back to the root. This was long before tabbed browsing existed so space wasn't a constraint. Also when you are browsing through your history, it is easier to see entries for a given site at a glance if the page title begins with the site name.

Although these days many sites have completely stopped making the title reflect the current context or section, making it useless. Right click on your history back button and you will just see a long list of '' - so you can't jump back to a particular page anymore.

Re: Please move "Pale Moon - Add-ons" text to the end of the tab title

Posted: 2020-01-10, 03:29
by New Tobin Paradigm
I personally have always used reverse breadcrumb page titles but MCP sites use natural order more in line with the older web as moonbat says.

The point is, I am not the one to convince for Pale Moon and Basilisk site page titles. Moonchild is. I merely stay consistent on the parts I manage. So the answer is no until he says otherwise and I am fine with that.