I have no plan in supporting legacy browsers. Sorry.
I think it is very important that as many of us as possible write to developers and politely ask them to make their wares compatible with Pale Moon. Sometimes this works, such as in the case of FEBE (which performs backups of extensions, themes, passords, etc.) by Chuck Baker.
Sometimes this fails, such as in the case above with Adblock Protector 2.
So... what to do when you get a developer who thinks that Pale Moon is a "legacy" browser?
What can you say to disabuse him (or her) of this notion???
I certainly don't think we should harass anyone(!), but what sort of things can you say to show PM is not "legacy" but progressive, modern, etc.
For that matter, what can you say to an end-user who thinks Pale Moon is a "legacy" browser?
Pale Moon is not a "legacy" browser, so how to deal with it when someone makes this remark?