FossaMail updated to 38.1.0!

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Pale Moon guru
Pale Moon guru
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FossaMail updated to 38.1.0!

Unread post by Moonchild » 2017-03-14, 23:30

FossaMail has been updated to 38.1.0!

The main update here is in the realm of theming. To fix outstanding theme issues, FossaMail, by default, will now be using the standard Thunderbird-aero theme style, which is more compact than what FossaMail 27.0 and 38.0 used.
If you prefer the more colorful, classic look (I sure do!) then I strongly recommend you look into installing the "Classic TB2" theme which is a fast, professional theme based on all the best elements of Thunderbird 1.5, 2.0, 3.* and later.
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