FossaMail 27 released!

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Pale Moon guru
Pale Moon guru
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FossaMail 27 released!

Unread post by Moonchild » 2017-01-25, 22:44

As promised, here is the big update!

FossaMail has now been updated to version 27. This is a big milestone release because both the application code and the back-end/platform have been overhauled.

This also means that to update, you need to take special care if you use a language pack! See below.

A brief summary of the biggest changes:
  • Switched the rendering engine to Goanna.
  • Switched the back-end code to Pale Moon 27.
  • Hoisted most of the application code to be Thunderbird 38 equivalent in functionality.
  • Added support for a few additional authentication methods for connecting to mail servers.
  • Integrated lightning into the application (no longer a separate download).
Since this is a new milestone with new front-end code, you should expect the application to look slightly different (although changes have been kept minimal) but otherwise operate (hopefully) mostly the same.

For people using a language pack, for the smoothest transition to this new version, please follow the following steps:
  1. Uninstall your current language pack (using the add-ons manager in FossaMail).
  2. Install FossaMail 27.
  3. Get a new, v27 compatible, language pack from our server and install it.
If you don't follow these steps you may run into issues that FossaMail will not start due to the UI not being able to find its proper language strings to initialize. We also regret that we are not offering as many languages for this version as before, due to time constraints and lack of localization options.

You can download the new version (Windows or Linux, 32-bit or 64-bit) and language packs from the FossaMail website, as usual.
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