Can't Make Fossamail Default Mail Client...

Development discussions for FossaMail

Can't Make Fossamail Default Mail Client...

Unread post by gmeades » 2017-01-15, 00:02

When I installed Fossamail on my Windows 7 64-bit machine -
1. It did not install any start menu icon or any other way to open it after installing.
2. It did not create an uninstall routine in add/remove programs.
I thought this was a bit odd, but solved this by running the install program a second time and pinning the Fossamail icon to the taskbar prior to closing it at the end of the installation.

It seemed very odd for an installation program to not install a way to access the program, or to uninstall it during the installation process.

Curious about there being no uninstall routine, I ran both Revo Uninstaller and Perfect Uninstaller, and neither was able to detect Fossamail on the computer either, although the program is installed and runs just fine.

So, there's two items of concern that Fossamail developers may want to look into and address (hopefully).

But the third problem I've come across that has me writing at this time is, finding that I like Fossamail, I wanted to make it my default mail client and just remove Thunderbird from my machine completely. However, Fossamail is not detected in the list of available mail clients on the machine either. Only Thunderbird, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail show up as available mail clients.

This means that I have to keep Thunderbird on the machine simply to allow my browsers "send link" features to work, which I use quite a lot.

I don't know if these 3 problems are related to the Windows 7 or Windows 7 64-bit operating system specifically, or if these items are also missing from other OS's as well, but thought it would be worth the time to post a message about it and see if someone might like to look into this and possibly provide a fix for these items.


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Re: Can't Make Fossamail Default Mail Client...

Unread post by Moonchild » 2017-01-15, 04:47

gmeades wrote:It seemed very odd for an installation program to not install a way to access the program, or to uninstall it during the installation process.
It is, because the installer most definitely installs a desktop and start menu icon, as well as an uninstallation entry in control panel.

To me this sounds like something is severely interfering with the installation and execution of the program, specifically integration with the system -- this is a typical symptom of the installer and program being run in a sandboxed/quarantined fashion, which obviously won't work.

What antivirus/internet security software are you running?
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Re: Can't Make Fossamail Default Mail Client...

Unread post by gmeades » 2017-01-15, 05:26

Hey Moonchild,

Although I had Malwarebytes installed on the machine, I had shut it down prior to the install (as I normally do) to avoid any problems with the installation.

I have another machine identical to this one (Dell 960 w 3Ghz Quad processor) that I'm doing the same Win7 64-bit build on that I can experiment with as well.

These are just straight Win7 64-bit machines with no VM Ware or sandbox applications installed at all.

UPDATE: Windows Defender was running on the machine I initially performed the installs on. I've disabled the Windows Defender service on both machines now, though I would have thought others running Win7 would have mentioned this problem before now had that been the cause, as most people don't realize how to disable it, or that it's even running on their machines, and would have installed in this environment previously.
