Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm Topic is solved

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Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by 99HVYSK » 2022-06-19, 10:35

Operating system: Archlinux kernel-5.18.5, dwm-6.3 -> https://dwm.suckless.org, xorg-server 21.1.3, mesa 22.1.1
Browser version: 31.1.0
32-bit or 64-bit browser?: 64-bit
Problem URL: none
Browser theme (if not default): none
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If possible, please include the output of help->troubleshooting information (as text):
**PASTE troubleshooting information here**
Xorg crashed if I am running Pale Moon in dwm, which started per startx, but if i login per display manager i.e. lightdm and xfce4, everything is fine. can someone give me a hint, what could be the issue, and how to solve it? thx a lot.

Xorg crashed with the following in log

Code: Select all

[   140.237] Failed to compile FS: 0:1(10): error: GLSL 1.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, and 1.00 ES

[   140.237] Program source:
#version 130
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#define RepeatNone               	      0
#define RepeatNormal                     1
#define RepeatPad                        2
#define RepeatReflect                    3
#define RepeatFix		      	      10
uniform int 			source_repeat_mode;
uniform int 			mask_repeat_mode;
vec2 rel_tex_coord(vec2 texture, vec4 wh, int repeat) 
	vec2 rel_tex; 
	rel_tex = texture * wh.xy; 
	if (repeat == RepeatFix + RepeatNone)
		return rel_tex; 
	else if (repeat == RepeatFix + RepeatNormal) 
		rel_tex = floor(rel_tex) + (fract(rel_tex) / wh.xy); 
	else if (repeat == RepeatFix + RepeatPad) { 
		if (rel_tex.x >= 1.0) 
			rel_tex.x = 1.0 - wh.z * wh.x / 2.; 
		else if (rel_tex.x < 0.0) 
			rel_tex.x = 0.0; 
		if (rel_tex.y >= 1.0) 
			rel_tex.y = 1.0 - wh.w * wh.y / 2.; 
		else if (rel_tex.y < 0.0) 
			rel_tex.y = 0.0; 
		rel_tex = rel_tex / wh.xy; 
	} else if (repeat == RepeatFix + RepeatReflect) {
		if ((1.0 - mod(abs(floor(rel_tex.x)), 2.0)) < 0.001)
[   140.237] (EE) 
Fatal server error:
[   140.237] (EE) GLSL compile failure

Last edited by 99HVYSK on 2022-06-19, 11:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by athenian200 » 2022-06-19, 10:40

I'm not sure what's wrong exactly. Could it be that using startx results in your GLX extensions not being loaded properly, while with lightdm, GLX is handled properly?
"The Athenians, however, represent the unity of these opposites; in them, mind or spirit has emerged from the Theban subjectivity without losing itself in the Spartan objectivity of ethical life. With the Athenians, the rights of the State and of the individual found as perfect a union as was possible at all at the level of the Greek spirit." -- Hegel's philosophy of Mind


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by 99HVYSK » 2022-06-19, 11:11

there is someone report the same issue, but it was with ubuntu and gentoo, they does not mentioned which window manager was used. if it is sole driver problem, Pale Moon shall crashed in xfce4, too.



Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by nguyen9173 » 2022-06-19, 14:10

dwm via startx is problematic but xfce4 via lightdm has no problems? First, don't be too sure about it's the lightdm that do all of the magics. Try start xfce4 via startx to see if the problem is still there or not. If it's not, then the problem is in dwm. Ditch dwm and use xfce4. Done. Second, if it's really lightdm that do the trick then just start dwm via lightdm. Done. Easy peasy.

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Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by Lucio Chiappetti » 2022-06-19, 18:16

I have no problems with Pale Moon (on Xubuntu which I believe uses lightdm) with fvwm (I use no desktop environment, just a window manager). I had no problems also with fvwm with startx on an old half-crashed 32-bit laptop :mrgreen:
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. (G.B. Shaw)


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by nguyen9173 » 2022-06-19, 18:24

Lucio Chiappetti wrote:
2022-06-19, 18:16
I have no problems with Pale Moon (on Xubuntu which I believe uses lightdm) with fvwm (I use no desktop environment, just a window manager). I had no problems also with fvwm with startx on an old half-crashed 32-bit laptop :mrgreen:
The OP uses Arch which itself is already a problem. Pale Moon is rock stable on Debian/Ubuntu based distros.


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by 99HVYSK » 2022-06-19, 19:11

- startx + dwm crash
- startx + xfce4 crash
- lightdm + dwm crash
- lightdm + xfce4 no crash, eliminate mesa-22.x crocus intel driver issue.

dwm could be the issue.


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by nguyen9173 » 2022-06-19, 19:24

99HVYSK wrote:
2022-06-19, 19:11
- startx + dwm crash
- startx + xfce4 crash
- lightdm + dwm crash
- lightdm + xfce4 no crash, eliminate mesa-22.x crocus intel driver issue.

dwm could be the issue.
So ditch dwm. That suckless site itself is totally sucks. Just use a normal DE like others, or at least a widely used WM.


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by 99HVYSK » 2022-06-19, 19:29

abandon dwm is not on my option list.


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by nguyen9173 » 2022-06-19, 19:37

99HVYSK wrote:
2022-06-19, 19:29
abandon dwm is not on my option list.
So abandon Pale Moon. Easy peasy.

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Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by Lucio Chiappetti » 2022-06-19, 20:05

99HVYSK wrote:
2022-06-19, 19:29
abandon dwm is not on my option list.
I do appreciate one might like a light window manager, without all the desktop environment "useless" burden. As I said I am happy with fvwm (and with Pale Moon) and not inclined to drop either. fvwm is highly customizable ("your window manager, your way" ? :D) ... perhaps could be customized to emulate dwm (at the price of a steep learning curve, I suppose). That's why I suggested it. Since I am not competent on the other topics, I would not intervene any longer.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. (G.B. Shaw)

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Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by bSun0000 » 2022-06-19, 21:00

Is your problem similar tor this one?
https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-8 ... e49b129273

Downgrade your mesa to <22 version and use i965 driver instead of crocus.

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Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by andyprough » 2022-06-19, 21:44

Yes, I have a bug with DWM on antiX Linux right now where it xorg locks up whenever I invoke DWM from startx but will run fine if I start it from lightdm. It has nothing to do with Pale Moon, it's a missing x library of some sort. I just hit it two days ago and haven't taken the time to read the error logs yet and find and fix the problem. When I do I'll post it here. This isn't that unusual with DWM because you have to guess at what the current set of dependencies are for building on each distro, the suckless devs expect you to be a grown up and figure it out for yourself. Which is good for learning, but a bit of a hassle.

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Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by pubpub » 2022-06-20, 01:13

I'm running Pale Moon on Gentoo GNU/Linux with dwm started with startx and I don't have this issue, whichever it is, it's obviously not purely down to dwm, as other users are suggesting.
I have applied few, if any, patches to my dwm build, and they're mostly stuff like

Code: Select all

static const Rule rules[] = {
        /* xprop(1):
         *      WM_CLASS(STRING) = instance, class
         *      WM_NAME(STRING) = title
        /* class      instance    title       tags mask     isfloating   monitor */
        { "Pale moon", "Navigator", NULL,     2,            0,           -1 },
        { "Pale moon", "Browser", NULL,       2,            1,           -1 },
        { "Pale moon", "Places",  NULL,       2,            1,           -1 },
        { "Pale moon", "Toplevel",  NULL,     2,            1,           -1 },
        { "Pale moon", "Devtools",  NULL,     2,            1,           -1 },
        { "Pale moon", "Global",  NULL,       2,            1,           -1 },
Which just makes Pale Moon spawn those windows as floating so they're not weirdly sized like they are when they're spawned tiled, and some keybindings for ease of use.
I recommend that you check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d files and /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc for settings that are not correct and your login manager might be overriding to have a working configuration.
Also check your Xorg log to see what drivers the X server loaded when you started it with startx and if they're any different to the ones loaded when starting with lightdm.
I don't know where your Xorg logs might be located, but mine are in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log.


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by nguyen9173 » 2022-06-20, 05:09

I wonder if he asked also on the arch forum? This should be a more right place to ask.

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Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by andyprough » 2022-06-21, 11:05

andyprough wrote:
2022-06-19, 21:44
Yes, I have a bug with DWM on antiX Linux right now where it xorg locks up whenever I invoke DWM from startx but will run fine if I start it from lightdm. It has nothing to do with Pale Moon, it's a missing x library of some sort. I just hit it two days ago and haven't taken the time to read the error logs yet and find and fix the problem. When I do I'll post it here. This isn't that unusual with DWM because you have to guess at what the current set of dependencies are for building on each distro, the suckless devs expect you to be a grown up and figure it out for yourself. Which is good for learning, but a bit of a hassle.
I spoke too soon, apparently it's not a missing library, but it has to do with the way that antiX invokes Xorg with the startx command. Requires a small edit of a config file to work correctly. So I do not have the solution to why OP's xorg crashes with Pale Moon on Arch. I agree with @nguyen9173 - it may be a particular problem on Arch, and should be addressed to the Arch forum.


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by 99HVYSK » 2022-06-22, 19:00

I revert mesa to version 21.3.x to use the old i965 driver, the issue is gone. weird is why only Pale Moon crashed Xorg with this new intel driver, all other gui apps work just as usual.


Re: Xorg crashed if I ran Pale Moon in dwm

Unread post by 99HVYSK » 2022-06-22, 20:10

got the answer from arch community, for old hardware or some situation that still require i965 driver, one shall install mesa-amber, which is classic 21.3.x branch.
