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Xorg crashed with the following in log
Code: Select all
[ 140.237] Failed to compile FS: 0:1(10): error: GLSL 1.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, and 1.00 ES
[ 140.237] Program source:
#version 130
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#define RepeatNone 0
#define RepeatNormal 1
#define RepeatPad 2
#define RepeatReflect 3
#define RepeatFix 10
uniform int source_repeat_mode;
uniform int mask_repeat_mode;
vec2 rel_tex_coord(vec2 texture, vec4 wh, int repeat)
vec2 rel_tex;
rel_tex = texture * wh.xy;
if (repeat == RepeatFix + RepeatNone)
return rel_tex;
else if (repeat == RepeatFix + RepeatNormal)
rel_tex = floor(rel_tex) + (fract(rel_tex) / wh.xy);
else if (repeat == RepeatFix + RepeatPad) {
if (rel_tex.x >= 1.0)
rel_tex.x = 1.0 - wh.z * wh.x / 2.;
else if (rel_tex.x < 0.0)
rel_tex.x = 0.0;
if (rel_tex.y >= 1.0)
rel_tex.y = 1.0 - wh.w * wh.y / 2.;
else if (rel_tex.y < 0.0)
rel_tex.y = 0.0;
rel_tex = rel_tex / wh.xy;
} else if (repeat == RepeatFix + RepeatReflect) {
if ((1.0 - mod(abs(floor(rel_tex.x)), 2.0)) < 0.001)
[ 140.237] (EE)
Fatal server error:
[ 140.237] (EE) GLSL compile failure