selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

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selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

Unread post by lunapalida » 2025-01-19, 00:54

Had to check and rebuilt my BM-database (about 2000). I found as checkers the xpi "checkplaces" and a very quick SW "AM-DeadLink" so half the job is done.

Didn´t find a selective tool for exporting entire BM-folder especially from PM. Found this Selective Bookmarks Export Tool but for Fox. So maybe I should export my BM to a Fox, use this xpi and reimport the processed Fox BM to PM via js or html.

But I´d prefer an offline FOSS BM-Manager. Is there a Software doing the job under Win or Linux ?

Need it only for pure BMs, no tags, no descriptions.

Any idea is welcome.

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Re: selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

Unread post by suzyne » 2025-01-19, 11:28

I enjoy the challenge of trying to find things via search engines, and despite looking a lot, couldn't find anything that matches (installed app that is FOSS which makes it possible to export only selected markbooks) what you are hoping for.

I don't think there is anything easier than your suggested solution.
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Re: selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

Unread post by lunapalida » 2025-01-19, 12:12

tnx, I´ll proceed as intended using and switching between profiles.

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Re: selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

Unread post by andyprough » 2025-01-20, 07:09

I don't fully understand the request, but there is linkwarden which claims to do full bookmark management in a self-hosted method:
Also linkding:

Both are under active development.

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Re: selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

Unread post by Moonchild » 2025-01-20, 08:37

"Hoarder" is also a self-hosted solution for bookmark management, but obviously it doesn't integrate with the browser UI (as it's web content based)
Alternatively you could make use of if a web solution is good for you and you trust them.
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Re: selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

Unread post by Basilisk-Dev » 2025-01-21, 14:36

I just have an HTML file that I set as my new tab page and home page for this purpose. I use syncthing to sync it between my devices.
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Re: selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

Unread post by suzyne » 2025-01-21, 18:26 is my current bookmarking solution, and I am finding it is very flexible and capable, but since @lunapalida preferred something offline, I wasn't going to mention it.

While it can't export only selected folders, in case any Windows users have come across it before, I think is the most capable app you can install for handling bookmarks, but it's not FOSS, so I didn't want to mention either.

For simplicity, a HTML file is probably hard to beat, but maintaining it could be tedious?
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Re: selective FOSS bookmark manager software available?

Unread post by lunapalida » 2025-01-21, 19:43

Had some travelling dreams rolling in a national library train and need a coffee first now.

tnx again @all for all the input

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