PDF files are not viewable in Pale Moon

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PDF files are not viewable in Pale Moon

Unread post by yokehaul » 2024-12-13, 04:14

For the past few weeks, when I download a PDF file in Pale Moon, it always ends up in the Download folder.
However, when I click on it to open it, it appears to be in a cycle of simply opening a new empty tab...... one after the other, after another, after another..... until I click on the ' stop loading' cross.
In Firefox, clicking the PDF link opens the file in a new tab.

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Re: PDF files are not viewable in Pale Moon

Unread post by Moonchild » 2024-12-13, 07:56

PDF files have not been viewable in Pale Moon natively for a very very very long time.
It seems you have inadvertently associated PDF files with Pale Moon, which you cannot do unless you have a PDF reader plugin in the browser. You are causing looping because you are instructing the browser to download and open the file in itself from within itself.
Please make sure you have a PDF reader plugin installed or alternatively (recommended!) have a stand-alone PDF reader installed on your system and associate PDF files with that reader.
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Re: PDF files are not viewable in Pale Moon

Unread post by Daikun » 2024-12-13, 08:03

PDF.js for SeaMonkey is what I use to view PDFs in the browser. (Yes, it's for SeaMonkey, but it also works in PM.)

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Re: PDF files are not viewable in Pale Moon

Unread post by BenFenner » 2024-12-13, 13:14

Sumatra PDF is the least encumbered stand-alone PDF reader I've found for Windows. If you want to go that route.
Regardless, you will likely want to associate PDF files with an application that is not Pale Moon.

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Re: PDF files are not viewable in Pale Moon

Unread post by Lucio Chiappetti » 2024-12-13, 20:10

Personally I do very much appreciate the fact that pdf files are not viewed within the browser, and I loath the few sites which force some form of internal viewer. I am generally quite happy with the arrangement I've got. In general (*) I get a popup like this
which offers me a choice of saving to disk (to a location I choose, not "Download") and a choice of viewers (I can choose atril or Acrobat reader). This is quite satisfactory for me.
Incidentally I choose atril as viewer (fast and compact), but I choose Acrobat while saving, because the "file chooser" (which apparently is dependent on the viewer. not a Pale Moon built in) is better (does not offer a desktop-oriented default, which I don't like)

(*) I say in general because that's the way I configured it in Preferences->Applications for the MIME types I was offered to do so, this is what I have
. Appretly sites declare different MIME types for pdf. The point I'm not satisfied with is that I do not know any way to edit Preferences->Applications a priori (for fiels which do not offer me the possibility)
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Re: PDF files are not viewable in Pale Moon

Unread post by ron_1 » 2024-12-13, 21:19

Here's the link for the add-on from Pale Moon's extension site. It's a newer version than the one linked to above.


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Re: PDF files are not viewable in Pale Moon

Unread post by suzyne » 2024-12-13, 21:52

BenFenner wrote:
2024-12-13, 13:14
Sumatra PDF is the least encumbered stand-alone PDF reader I've found for Windows.
Agree about Sumatra PDF as being great for viewing PDF files on Windows! But if you are needing to print any pages from a PDF, I have found it has less flexibility, and so at those times I switch to Acrobat Reader DC.
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