Problem URL:
Browser theme (if not default):
Installed add-ons:
Installed plugins: (about:plugins):
If possible, please include the output of help->troubleshooting information (as text):
Also, is anyone ever gonna fix the memory problems in this browser? I keep a couple dozen tabs open all the time in 2 windows, (down from the 1400+ in 5 windows I kept in the previous version,) and I'm constantly having to kill & restart the browser because it starts freezing up after as little as a few hours of opening & closing new tabs while browsing. Pages with lots of pictures seem to speed the process. I have 24GB of RAM and this browser will suck down 9GB or more of that at times before I have to kill it because of sluggishness & freezes.
(No, I will NEVER update to Windows 10 or 11 - I do not willingly install spyware on my computers!)