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New icon appears different

Posted: 2019-07-04, 02:14
by mrmort
The latest release of the browser has the icon looking like a white dot to me, whether on the taskbar, the start menu or on the desktop. Or maybe an extremely light grey one. I guess the author wanted to make it "paler"? I liked it better before because at least it didn't look like a white dot. The light blue made it look like an actual moon and it had more contrast so you could see craters and such. Which is why it looked more like a moon instead of a dot. :?

Re: New icon appears different

Posted: 2019-07-04, 02:17
by mrmort
Sorry, oops, I didn't see the other post about the icon until after I posted. Did not wish to double post but don't want to delete this one. Feel free to move this to the other thread if needed.

Re: New icon appears different

Posted: 2019-07-04, 03:31
by Mom-Kat
I can hardly see it on my taskbar. I get updating icons but it would be nice if the old icon could be included in the exe for people with light themes.

Re: New icon appears different

Posted: 2019-07-04, 05:55
by misterflot
Please bring back the old icon.
All I see is a grey ball, no moon craters.

I know it's called Pale Moon but making it this pale is a bit rich. ;)