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Auto-translate when visiting foreign sites

Posted: 2017-09-02, 13:30
by Grainfrog
I understand that due to the complex nature of such a thing that this would be a project more appropriate for a later time in PM's development, but an in-browser feature that automatically translated the text of a "foreign" webpage into the native language of PM (English or whatever language pack you are using) would be extremely useful.

Many, many thanks to everyone working on PM!!

Re: Auto-translate when visiting foreign sites

Posted: 2017-09-03, 11:21
by Moonchild
Something like this would inevitably have to rely on a service provider to provide the translation. Doing that programmatically as a core feature will require some sort of partnership to prevent it becoming a moneysink based on how many users use this functionality. I'm not aware of any such service provider that would be willing to do this at this time. Your best bet is probably to use an extension, bookmark or bookmarklet that links to translation of a page using e.g. google translate or similar.

Re: Auto-translate when visiting foreign sites

Posted: 2017-09-03, 13:07
by back2themoon
See S3.Google Translator, it seems to provide what you are asking.

You can also try DeepL Translator, a new translation engine that reportedly outperforms Google etc. and gives more human-like results, info here.

Re: Auto-translate when visiting foreign sites

Posted: 2017-12-24, 08:48
by Swicher
Moonchild wrote:Doing that programmatically as a core feature will require some sort of partnership to prevent it becoming a moneysink based on how many users use this functionality.
In fact Firefox already implemented this functionality a few years ago (I do not know if it still has it in more recent versions) although as explained in the comments, it is not active by default and you have to get a key to the Bing or Yandex API before can use it.