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by Moonchild » 2014-04-02, 11:33
Pale Moon 24.4.2 has been released, which is a small update to add
OCSP-stapling to the browser and to fix a few bugs.
- Added OCSP-stapling.
- Removed download status indicator from default set in status bar code to fix erroneous pop-up locations of the downloads panel.
- Fixed errors with synchronous OCSP-stapled calls.
- Reduced the timeout for OCSP requests to 2 seconds unless OCSP is required by the server.
- Added proper handling of fragment loading (bug #895557&bug #987140). security fix
- Updated status bar localizations: kn-IN and pt-PT.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
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